Chapter 16

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So, ^that was Damien's view in the previous chapter, except add in bare feet too.

Also, thank you so much for all the wishes I received for my birthday, it made my day more special.

Do comment your birthday dates here so I know when to wish you all. 💜

Hope you guys enjoy this chapter 😊

Cedric was shivering by the time he exited the shower with a loosely wrapped towel around his waist, and he hastily opened the door of his wardrobe and pulled out whatever contacted his hands first— which ended up being a grey t-shirt and some faded jeans— Cedric didn't have any specific fashion style he stuck to, all he cared for was to cover his skin. He quickly shoved his limbs into the clothes to warm himself up because of the cold shower he had taken.

Well, he had to soak his body under ice-cold water since he had no option left. Or maybe, he did have another option, but Cedric would rather dig a hole and hide there for eternity than jerk off to the memory of Damien's eyes travelling down his body with undisguised curiosity and awe. Even if he chose that, it wouldn't be the first time Cedric's traitorous mind flashed Damien's image behind his closed eyes when he tried to chase his release. But knowing that Damien was sitting, waiting for him just a floor below made him turn the temperature of the shower to the lowest degree possible and that managed to tame his body's desires, and his restless body was not a bit happy about his decision. The cold water just made his painfully straining muscles stiffer.

The first time that happened in his sophomore year, Cedric wasn't surprised— putting all the shame that crept into him aside— insead he felt like it solidified his belief about a part of himself he had always known about. But he freaked out for a whole 3 weeks every time he saw Damien anywhere because every encounter took him back to the moment he gasped in relief and utter pleasure that was hard to come— pun intended— till he finally gave in and let his body and mind think of Damien and his uniquely intriguing features that made Cedric feel like nothing he had ever felt. That made him hate Damien more for a whole new set of reasons, and that newfound hatred and confusing feelings drove him crazy to the point that he somewhow, ended up sneaking MUSTARD filled cream puffs into Damien's lunch table.

To his luck, Damien was the first person to the take a bite before anyone else could. Cedric was keenly observing the whole thing without anyone's notice, and he observed how Damien looked delighted at the unexpected surprise he found wrapped on his lunch table— must've assumed that it was from one of his admirers. And when Cedric witnessed Damien's expression turn from excited to bitter disgust, Cedric felt very satisfied and all the effort he put seemed to be yielding very amazing results as he wached Damien's eyes water because of the horrible taste.

In the back of his mind, a few hundred thousand miles away from his stubbornness, Cedric knew that Damien's girlfriend back then, Valerie's continuous presence beside Damien had somehow catalysed Cedric's cruel pranks. But he would never accept that, even to himself.

He was no better than Tamara Johnson. He hated how Damien had this power over Cedric that managed to make Cedric do things that could never be expected from Cedric's character, things even Cedric didn't know he possesed the ability to do. He literally had no idea why Damien always burned this fire inside him that nobody else could even find a trace of.

Putting a full stop to his embarrassing, creepy and obsessive thoughts, Cedric made his way downstairs to see Damien smiling softly at something on his phone screen. Cedric helplessly was curious about what was making Damien smile like that, and when he smiled like that...he looked insanely beautiful.

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