Author's note

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I started writing the first two chapters of this book on impulse, and I tried to write books before this, but never got past more than 2-3 chapters. I thought it would be the same case with this book— and it would've have been if not for all the love and support I got from you readers.

So thank you. Thank you so much for every view, every vote, every comment, every review... I can't thank you guys enough.

There is so much I have learned from writing this book and from interacting with you guys, and since I want to learn and experience more, I've decided to publish this book.

It is a scary decision, but to get my book out there and to be able to reach as many readers as possible would mean a lot to me, because I never imagined I'd be able to do it.

So unfortunately, I'll be taking down my book from Wattpad after 30th May 2022, but I will never discredit the contribution each one of you have made into making this book possible.

Thank you so for all the love and support you have given me and my character.

Hope you all stay safe and healthy and happy and achieve everything you want.

— loads of love, Trixie.


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