Chapter 7

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Picture of Damien^

So, this is from Damien's point of view and please read it carefully because it can be confusing.
That boy really has a twisted brain, but if you look at it carefully, you'll see that he is very perspective.

Thanks to everyone who is reading this☺️

Damien pushed himself past the musky and swaying people in the hall, as he excused himself from the girl he was talking to and ignored his friends and bandmates when he watched Cedric slip out of doors with his head hung low. He quickly tried to get out before he'd miss the dark blonde haired boy and watch him drive away. Damien didn't even take a breath in relief when he watched Cedric get close to his car, and quickly called him to make him stop.

"Lance, wait!", he quickly walked towards Cedric before he could even turn back to respond. He watched questions floating in Cedric's mesmerising, tired blue-green eyes, but Damien took in a few breaths before he said anything.

"Give me a ride", he blurted out before he could even register the meaning behind his words. Cedric's frown deepened, and his eyebrows dipped in confusion— Damien wanted to smooth it out but held himself back from doing it, like always. When Cedric realised that Damien was serious, he just closed his eyes, his head tipping back a little bit, and Damien watched Cedric trying to find his composure. He opened his crystal eyes and looked at Damien with utter frustration and defeat, his shoulders slumping as if he'd been carrying something heavy all along.

"What makes you think I'll give you a ride? Go back the way you came. And I'm seriously in no mood of playing whatever you have in your head. If you are bored, I'm pretty sure that there a lot of people inside that will entertain you. Just leave", Cedric said and turned back to open his car door without looking Damien in the eye. 

"Wait", Damien interjected, putting a hand on the driver's side windows. "I don't feel well, and I came here with Branden, I don't know if he could take me back. In fact, I don't think any of my friends can take me back. You are going the same way; maybe you can drop me." Damien said, praying Cedric would buy it. Cedric just sighed, the bags under his eyes looking more prominent now, "just book yourself an Uber", he suggested looking at the ground— his voice not holding the firmness it usually held— it was slack like it would crack any moment now, and Damien hated witnessing it.

"I don't think I'll be able to book one right now.  I promise I won't trouble you, favour in exchange for a favour?" That made Cedric lift his head. He looked into Damien's eyes as if trying to detect any hidden lie and the suspicion on his face would've made Damien laugh if he wasn't trying to convince Cedric to let him ride back home with him.

"You didn't look sick in there, and you don't look sick right now. And please tell me, from when does the idea of troubling me not excite you?" Cedric asked, his eyes almost drooping of exhaustion as he looked at Damien like he doesn't believe a single word that leaves out of his mouth, and Damien had to give Cedric credit for not falling for his words.

"See, I really must be feeling ill if I'm saying that", Damien said back innocently, trying to hide his feelings as he looked at Cedric in anticipation. Cedric just shot him a dirty look, visibly not in the mood for Damien's silly remarks. Well, like he ever is, Damien thought to himself.

Cedric tried to turn around, shaking his head and saying "I'm leaving", but Damien caught him by his elbow. "Listen, I just feel my head pounding on the right side. I saw you leave, so I thought I could leave and go back home if you can just give me a ride back since you are going the same way. That's it." Damien tried to make his tone as believable as possible since Cedric could detect his lies easily. But Cedric's attention seemed to be stuck on the spot where Damien's hand was holding him. Damien let go of his hand when Cedric looked back at him.

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