Chapter 3

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  This chapter is dedicated to
Thank you being one of the first readers, of my book. Your votes and comments encouraged me a lot to write this chapter.

That is a picture of Cedric for a reference on how he looks in his tennis uniform.

Hope you all like this chapter and if you do, please vote or comment.

Cedric Lancaster doesn't smile much.

Chewing on a bubble gum and leaning his weight on his Harley-Davidson with his eyes shaded by his ray-bans, Damien watched Cedric park his Mercedes in his regular spot in the parking lot, which wasn't present there that morning. He got out of it in his tennis uniform— white jersey and white shorts, carrying his tennis equipment. He skipped classes for the rest of the day after his latest visit to the principal's office but returned for his tennis practice, about which Damien was sure when he watched Cedric walk away flaunting his ass after delivering his little speech. Cedric didn't know this, but people spoke about his ass. A lot.

A restraining order, Damien huffed at that thought. Cedric was so gullible that Damien didn't even find it funny anymore. Damien had turned 18 the summer before his senior year started. He threw in an empty threat about a lawsuit so they both could get out of the mess Damien created without having any effect of it. But 'the ever so uptight Cedric' had to believe his insecurities to be true and come to his conclusions and not give Damien a chance to speak or explain— just like every single time that Damien messed up.

Instead, he would stand on his toes to look at Damien with his glimmering blue-green eyes and warn him to stay away, and this time Damien would do exactly that because all of this was leading them to nowhere.

He ran a hand through his thick, black strands and blocked Cedric from invading his thoughts when he saw his bandmates approach him. Their bass guitarist Branden's dark skin was gleaming under the sunlight as he walked towards Damien with his Bluetooth headphones hung around his neck, he fist-bumped as soon as he was close to Damien and pulled his phone out of his pocket.

"Damn man, your Lacey-" Branden let out a small 'umph' as Damien lightly smacked his stomach with the back of his hand. "Oh fine, I get it, you won't let anyone call him that. So, I just passed Lancaster", he said stressing on his last name, "and damn, if it were possible, I would have seen steam blowing out of his ears. He looked like he would burst." He continued with a faint chuckle as started scrolling through texts.

"Yeah, like Thomas," Miles, the sandy-haired dork added for a reference and did the whole demonstration of unclenching his fists around his ears and said BOOM with an eye roll and started laughing at himself.

"Thomas?" Branden enquired with his eyebrows dipping in confusion while Miles looked at him as if he were questioning why he was friends with Branden in the first place.

"Thomas!" he whisper yelled, "from Thomas and his friends." He said, making Branden get the reference.

"Oh, I know that. To be honest, I always felt Thomas's smile was kinda creepy; the whole concept of trains talking was creepy." He said, making a slightly annoyed face.

Miles kicked him in his calf, "that's like insulting my whole childhood, you unimaginative human with nonexistent brain cells.", he continued making Damien nod in agreement.

"You too?", Branden fake gasped at Damien's betrayal. Shaking his head, he continued, "yeah Thomas, but in this case, Lancaster is more like Thomas without friends." He said thoughtfully and earned a smack on his head from Damien which made Branden hiss at the moment it caused, almost making him lose his balance.

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