Chapter 2

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Cedric couldn't move. He almost felt the blood running in his body freeze along with his stride as the moans continued to echo along with heavy breaths and panting noises. He was almost pale with all his colour drained out, afraid to raise his eyes to look at his classmate, the professor or the screen. His heart started pounding with embarrassment as he realised that the explicit noises were playing from his presentation, but the screen was still pitch black. He had no idea what was going on.

All the students in the class realised it too, some too shocked to comment and some too uncomfortable to react as the audio kept playing in the background. Except for widening their eyes or gasping soundlessly, no one was brave enough to snicker or voice their thoughts because it was Mr Patterson's class, any other class, everyone would be snickering, making fun of Cedric.

Mr Patterson was quick to shut down the file that was being played, but it took a few seconds for Cedric to comprehend it as his heartbeat kept echoing in his ears, dominating all sounds. He slowly raised his eyes to look at his teacher and almost teared up at how angry and disappointed he looked glaring at Cedric, shell shocked.

He gulped, with a vast scroll of apologies sitting on the tip of his tongue, he turned towards his classmates and looked at them with shaken, glossy eyes. They were looking back at him with horrified expressions, his clueless gaze ran apologetically over all the students but suddenly halting—as though he was kicked hard in the gut— on one dark haired student who was smirking at him with mirthful eyes. Now his cloudy thoughts began to clear a bit, and he started to piece it all together— how Damien chose to get back at him was beyond all his expectations and everything Cedric did to defend his attacks seemed pointless now.

Then it all clicked. His emotions ran all over the place and changed too quickly that his brain couldn't coordinate with his moments. In a flash, gone we're all the apologies that were ready to pour out, all the explanations he owed, and in a flash, he was standing in front of Damien's desk with his oceanic orbs burning the brightest red, full of anger he couldn't put a lid on. Not now.

The whole class didn't dare to move, including Mr Patterson, all eyes strained on them, but Cedric couldn't care less about them at this moment, his all attention narrowed down to Damien. Damien rose from his seat and tried to tower Cedric with the additional height he got on him. But Cedric refused to feel intimidated or to back off. The entire room was vibrating with the rage Cedric felt towards Damien, but Damien also refused to break the eye contact, almost challenging Cedric to do so himself.

Cedric moved closed to Damien's standing figure with his neck craned up to look into his dark, thickly lashed eyes with unsustainable rage; his look screamed that he wanted to tear Damien apart for doing what he had done and for having the audacity to stand and look at Cedric with such unfazed confidence that raised Cedric's hackles even more.

"How dare you?" Cedric said painfully through gritted teeth, and his fingers curled into a tight fist.

No one interrupted them, watching and listening to everything carefully— this was what all students of Westwood high were expecting to witness since the start of the day.

"What do you mean, Lancaster?" Damien said to rile up Cedric to address the issue.

"Before I do anything I can't take back, before I give you no time to regret, tell me them the truth," Cedric said, controlling all the impulses that were urging him to knock that smug look off his face as he succeeded to rile Cedric up.

Damien let out a dry, humourless chuckle at that. "Again, what do you mean, Lancaster? I don't know. Aren't you supposed to be the one answering people about the stunt you just pulled?" Damien asked with his voice reflecting disgust towards Cedric, while Cedric waited— nails digging into his palm— for Damien to drop the act.

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