Chapter 10

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^This song might meet the vibe of this chapter, and yes, you'll see me share a lot of Neighborhood songs. 😅

Okey, this chapter is a little (maybe a little more than little) heavy on emotions and angst. So yeah, read it with a little patience.

Do vote and comment if you like it. ☺️


Cedric was rooted in his place, his toes curling in anxiety, and it almost felt as if someone had dropped a massive bucket of ice-cold water over his head. In an instant, he escaped out of whatever entanglement he had been in all along and felt his world tilting and collapsing—all the hard work he had invested to glue everything together was now exploded and converged into a single image as he watched Damien holding the object he had picked up from Cedric's nightstand before he could stop him.

His mouth was almost dry as he tried to gulp down his panic. He wanted to say something, but right now Cedric was even afraid to take a breath as Damien continued to examine the orange bottle, and when he twisted the lid open, Cedric felt chills of fear and shame— both hot and cold— coarse through his whole being; he felt like his lungs would burst because of holding his breath for too long.

Damien just kept inspecting it with his eyes strained on it, brows furrowed, and Cedric could see the wheels of comprehension spinning inside his head. Cedric knew that he had become foolish enough to bring it upon himself when Damien looked at him with sheer determination, and at this point, Cedric also knew that his chances of getting out of this confrontation— which Damien wouldn't let slip through his hands— were very, very slim.

"What is the meaning of this?" Shit. Damien cut right to the point with a voice the Cedric had no doubt would grind stones to dust. Cedric gulped; Damien must not have recognised the pills as Cedric had torn the label off of that bottle. Those were the grounds on which he could work on this conversation— Damien still doesn't know it, you don't have to explain anything to him. Not right now.

So, mustering up the courage he didn't find within himself, Cedric tried to stamp on all his panic and anxiety he felt at the moment and presented his composed self again. "What do you mean? And don't touch my things", saying that Cedric went to grab the bottle from him, but Damien pulled back before Cedric could reach him. Again.

"Huh", Damien huffed as if amused, but Cedric couldn't see even a trace of it in Damien's expression. "Who are you trying to fool, Lancaster? What are these, and what are they doing on your nightstand?" As expected, Damien wasn't one to let it go, and Cedric felt panic and fear bubbling inside him like he was boiling. Still, he didn't give into it.

"I don't see why you need to know why something is on my nightstand or anywhere else in my room. Now get out before I get mad and throw you out of the window", there was a slight slur in his voice— which happened every time he panicked— and Cedric was hoping that it would go unnoticed, but judging by Damien's expression— it certainly didn't.

"Last time, I'll ask you one last time. What. Are. These. Pills. For?" Damien's gaze seemed like it was trying to perform an autopsy on Cedric to find the truth that he was hiding. Cedric can lie; he knows he'll get caught if he does, and that would make Damien more suspicious of the situation— but he gives it a shot anyway.

" I don't have to explain it to you that they are my sleeping pills or why I use them. Give them back to me" Cedric said through gritted teeth. He was never good at throwing a witty and wicked reply, never, his instincts always led him to throw tantrums like a kid. And by the way his words were not dominating Damien's, it couldn't be any more apparent.

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