Chapter 11

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Hope you enjoy this chapter.

Cedric twisted and turned a lot in between his sheets throughout the night, but no matter what he did or how tight he shut his eyes, he couldn't find it within himself to sleep. It wasn't that like he slept to his contentment all others nights nor did he have a lot of thoughts racing through his mind that had preoccupied him from letting him fall asleep, no. His mind was blank; he couldn't think— he didn't want to think— he wanted to close his eyes and never wake up again to face another day, but what kept him up was the agitation that he sense towards himself and the situation he got himself mazed in— he felt like his skin was being charred by it.

He could see the sun rays slicing through the curtains and illuminating his room, and it was exhausting. He would turn into a madman if he tried to count the number of times his eyes darted to look at the numbers on the digital clock on the wall— he had watched the numbers change by minutes throughout the night, and they changed in a painfully slow pace. It displayed 6:53 on this Monday morning, and he had kept staring at it blankly since the last minutes till he had watched the 2 turn and arrive to 3.

There's still time, a voice in his head thought hesitantly, and that agitation he was brimmed with directed him towards ignoring it and closing his eyes in denial. He wouldn't get out of the bed until his usual time, especially today. 8 hours back— right before he retired to bed, he had received a call from an unknown number. When he answered the call, there were no salutations, no introductions, nothing. And the line went dead after passing just one sentence.

Meet me at school. Monday. 7 am.

And just the first word into it, Cedric knew that it was Damien. Until two days back, Damien didn't have his contact information, but now he had it with him out of nowhere. As easily as Cedric had recognised Damien's voice, he had also guessed why Damien wanted to meet him before the school hours started, and he wanted to throw his phone to the wall opposite to him as he kept staring at it for a long time.
So he's done with his research. Good. Cedric thought to himself as soon as the call ended, and he didn't know why, but his eyes found their way back to the clock to check the time after every few minutes and they failed to fall shut.

He was very confident that Damien must be waiting for him, but Cedric was firm on his decision because he knows that Damien would want to talk more about Cedric's present situation with his dependence on those opioids, and it was up to Cedric if he wanted to talk about it or keep it to himself— and Cedric had no doubt that he didn't want to breathe a word about it until the end of eternity. Damien's curiosity would not be sated until he knew every single detail, until he knew everything was in its place— which Cedric knew through year's of observation.

To put it in simple terms, Damien was the kind of person who would say I know a place and would take you to the therapist.

As soon as the clock's hands pointed indicating 7:15, Cedric stubbornly got out of the sheets to get ready for school.


The hallways were busy and bustling with laughter and gossip, and as usual, Cedric sorted through the things in his locker without bothering to get involved in any of the talks going around him. He could feel his shoulders sticking out more taut than usual as he could not help but feel anxious because things now seemed different— all while knowing that nothing would change.

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