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Today's pic: A funny thing found on tumblr. :P


  One Hala Day, Vers strolled into the Helion. As she packed extra work snacks into her locker, she noticed Yon-Rogg off to the side, moving around a bunch of battle supplies with his antigrav gauntlets. As he lifted old boxes out of the lockers, dust settled like snow on his hair. He was currently moving a heavy container, and as he did so, something metal was accidently being slipped out of his side pocket.

"Hm," she said and closed her locker.

The next second a huge knife came barreling toward her and stuck into the wall two millimeters from her face.

"You missed," she said blandly.

He let out a breath and wiped his forehead. "I wasn't aiming for you, Vers! Did you honestly think I wanted to kill you?"

She shrugged. "Well, sometimes during training, I have my suspicions." She plucked the knife out of the wall. "You never know!"

"Hey, don't turn that thing on me," said Yon-Rogg, holding his hands up uneasily.

"What, do I make you nervous?" she asked with a little lilt in her voice. "Holding a gigantic knife?"

He backed up a step. "No, I just happen to know that you're the reckless type and that knife might somehow end up in my ribcage. Like you said, you never know."

She chuckled and twirled the knife around. "This is seriously deadly looking. You could scare all your kid recruits if they knew you had this."

He rolled his eyes but maintained his distance. "I don't carry it on me when I go to teach, Vers. What kind of weirdo would do that?"

"A weirdo who also planned on dicing up some fruit for their snack," she suggested. Then she started drooling thinking about fruit.

"They get their own Starforce-issued lunches. Why would I dice up fruit with a Starforce-issued knife? It's more for breaking open foreign containment units."

"Like, if I brought home a lunchbox from a different planet and you didn't know how to work the latch? You'd bust out THIS for it?"

He shrugged. "New things warrant caution."

She sighed. "You are the biggest Kree that ever Kreed."

"'Kreed' is not a real verb, Vers," he smiled. Then he held his hand out. "Would you give me that back now?"

She held it back against her chest. "I can't trust you with this bad boy! I think it'd be happier with me."

"Vers, your specialty lies in your hands. Not in my knife. Are you worried I might use it against you or something?"

"Maybe, if we went to a lava planet and I got scorched and a giant wart rose up on my arm and you had to scrape it off to prevent infection--"

"EW! What are you blabbering about, Vers?!" Minn-Erva scowled, walking in. She was wearing a headband and had a water bottle.

"I'm just predicting when Yon-Rogg will have to use his knife on me in the future," she replied merrily.

"That will never happen, Vers," Yon-Rogg said dryly.

"Why do you have the Commander's knife?" questioned Minn-Erva.

"Long story," supplied Yon-Rogg.

"Seems about right," she sighed and left the Helion.

"Okay now, could you give that knife back? Finally?" asked Yon-Rogg. He extended his hand to make it a final request.

"Mmm...nah," said Vers. Then she turned around and bolted out of the Helion at breakneck speeds.

"VERS!" shouted Yon-Rogg and gave chase.

...BUT he stopped up short right after he got out of the ship. "No, she just wants me to follow her. I think I'll play it safe and wait this one out."

He paced around in the Helion. "...But who knows what she could be doing with that knife? There's no limit to her imagination! Or her audacity!" He stroked his chin. "Maybe she's just messing with me. She does do that a lot."

"Uh, Commander? Why are you talking to yourself?" asked Att-Lass.

Yon-Rogg spun around. "Att-Lass!! I wasn't! I was...on the comm with Korath," he said quickly, pulling up his wrist display and pointing pointedly at it.

Att-Lass, who had been standing in the doorway of the kitchen drinking coffee the whole time, said, "Uhhhhh...okay."

Yon-Rogg gave him a quick pat on the shoulder and then went into the hangar. He walked around the side of the Helion and bumped right into Vers.

"WOAH! HEY WATCH IT YOU--" she brought up a fist and then did a double-take. "Oh hey Yon-Rogg! Took you long enough."

"What are you talking about, Vers?" he said, straightening himself out.

"Oh, well, after I ran, I doubled back behind the Helion because I figured you would figure I wanted you to chase me, except you'd be wrong because I used reverse psychology and didn't run off at all. So I just decided to hang out here and do nothing while you worried your pants off about what I'd be doing with your knife."

He stared at her. Then he shook his head. "You're insatiable."

"That's a big word," she said.

"Not really," he replied.

She took his knife out from behind her back. It was covered in crimson red sludge.

"VERS! WHAT IS THAT?!" exclaimed Bron-Char from across the hangar.

"NOTHING!!" she shouted back. "JUST THE BLOOD OF MY ENEMIES!!"

She caught Yon-Rogg giving her a suspicious stare. "Okay," she laughed. "It's just fruit juice. But I gave the old guy a scare, huh?" Then she raised the ginormous blade to her face and licked it.

"Vers!" Yon-Rogg reached for the knife. "Don't do--"

"OWWww!" she shouted and dropped the knife with a clatter. Her tongue looked a little extra red.

Yon-Rogg gave her a disapproving look. "I tried to warn you. Many times."

She held her tongue with her fingers. "Nob pfhunny."

Yon-Rogg sighed and steered her back to the Helion. "Come on, I think your tongue needs a bandage."

"Thab's gwoss!" she complained.

"Not as gross as you drooling all over your hands and the floor," he replied with a smirk and dug around in his locker for a bandage.

A few minutes later, Korath walked in with a wrist display full of mission data and saw Yon-Rogg sticking his fingers in Vers's mouth.
"Is this a bad time?" he asked bluntly.

Yon-Rogg finished up quickly. "Um..."

"Nope!" said Vers. She hopped off her seat and patted Korath's back before vanishing down the exit hatch.

Korath looked at his commander with a raised eyebrow.

"It's a long story," Yon-Rogg said.


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