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A/N: Another story for my 2 readers, at last! This one got pretty long...I guess I couldn't help myself. I hope you enjoy!


  One Hala Day, Vers woke up. She yawned and stretched and rolled around in her bed a little bit, then got up and turned on Hala News.

"Tonight, a special gala will be held in honor of the Supreme Intelligence's 1000th birthday. The SI won't really be present, but it's the thought that counts!!" the reporter was saying.

Vers rolled her eyes. Then she poured herself a behemoth bowl of cereal and wolfed it down.

The reporter continued, "We hold a lot of galas, but this one will be especially special because we are going to have a feature presentation by a group of Starforce, led by Commander Yon-Rogg."

Vers spit out all her cereal into the reporter's face. "I'm sorry, what?!"

"I said that Commander Yon-Rogg's Starforce team will be putting on a show for tonight's gala," said the reporter. "Supposedly, they'll be giving a PowerPoint presentation on the impact of the Supreme Intelligence over the years."

Vers stared at the reporter. Her eye twitched. Then she guzzled the rest of her cereal, threw on her uniform, and ran the 200 miles to the docking bay where the Helion was, while eating some energy bars.

She busted in and found Korath and Yon-Rogg playing cards atop the briefing holo-table.

Yon-Rogg put down a card and said, "Take ten."
Korath said, "What the..."
Then, "urgh."

"Look, I hate to interrupt...whatever this is, but HAVE YOU PEOPLE HEARD ABOUT TONIGHT?!" Vers screeched.

They book looked at her calmly and not as if she was yelling and waving around her glow hands.

"Oh, so you heard about the gala, Vers?" Yon-Rogg asked.

"Yeah I did," she said. "I have many things to say, but first and foremost: it's a gala on Hala. That's funny, hehe."

Yon-Rogg and Korath gave her blank stares.

"But they don't even rhyme," said Att-Lass, walking in.

"Nuh-uh! You can pronounce gala like Hala, it's just less common," Vers retorted.

"I didn't know you were an English professor," said Korath.

"Well...I am," she said with a smile. Then she stuck her tongue out.

Korath looked repulsed. Yon-Rogg just looked back to their game with a bemused smile.

"So anyway, how did this whole thing come to be? Why is OUR team putting on a PowerPoint presentation? Why can't it just be one of us? Like Minn-Erva? Or more importantly, not me?" Vers asked.

"Slow down, Vers," Yon-Rogg said, putting down a card. "The Supreme Intelligence got wind of its gala, and it asked me if my team could do something. You have to understand it's not in my best interests to refuse the Supreme Intelligence, so I accepted. It's not like I really want to."

Vers blinked. "So, first of all, the Supreme Intelligence bullied you into this? Second of all, you basically lied to it when you said you wanted to do it?"

"Now, now, Vers, I wasn't lying," he said. "I was respectfully pushing my true feelings about the matter away from the forefront."

She busted out laughing. "That's a really good excuse. I'll have to use that sometime!"

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