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Today's Pic: Minn-Erva, as drawn by yours truly! It was a lot of fun putting her in an anime-like style (that's the only way I can draw people to actually look decent.) It was NOT fun, however, drawing the Starforce uniform. I don't want to do that ever again...
(One small annoying detail - I forgot to include her bandolier. Whoops!)


   One Hala Day, Vers strode into the Helion's kitchen and pillaged it for fruit, snacks, and coffee. As she was doing that, she heard the ramp woosh open and closed again, accompanied by commanding footsteps. She stuffed a Hala potato chip in her mouth, thinking, 'I'm sure that's not Yon-Rogg here to make some big announcement.'

A second later, she heard Yon-Rogg's voice say, "Listen up, team! I have a big announcement."

Vers rolled her eyes. 'Jinxed it.'

"Ooh, what is it?!" exclaimed Att-Lass. "Another mission?"

"Well, I just got back from a conference with the Supreme Intelligence," explained Yon-Rogg. He didn't sound as excited as Att-Lass did.

"Oh really? What did it say?" asked Korath.

"We're going to take a little excursion," announced Yon-Rogg. "A field trip, as Vers would call it."

"What?" said Vers, popping her head in. "Field trips are boring!"

"Well then you'll be intrigued to know that the destination has not yet been decided. The Supreme Intelligence only told me that our group should get out and do something educational. I'm taking ideas for our trip currently, so any suggestions?"

"How about a restaurant?" asked Vers.

"No, Vers, it has to be another planet. Maybe you shouldn't think with your stomach all the time, hm?"

She just stuck her tongue out and then slowly shoved a piece of melon into her mouth.

"How about Knowhere?" put in Minn-Erva, ignoring Vers' display of immaturity.

"Or Xandar?" suggested Att-Lass.

"What about that place you guys went to that one time – C-53, was it?" said Bron-Char.

"Yeah, what's there?" asked Vers.

"NO!" snapped Yon-Rogg. "I mean, there's nothing there. No point in going; it won't be educational. It's not a big deal."

"You're kinda making it sound like a big deal," observed Vers.

"Well it isn't," he responded flatly, though he wouldn't meet her gaze for several minutes afterward.

"Then how about Xandar?" asked Korath.

Yon-Rogg pointed at him. "That could work. We could learn a lot about their inner workings and culture, which would be helpful should our war with them take an ugly turn. We'd just need to be disguised."

"So, we're going on a field trip into enemy territory? Seems more like a stealth mission to me. But I do love me a good disguise!" Vers said.

"Well, it's not a mission because we won't have an objective. We'll only be there to sightsee, sort-of," Yon-Rogg replied.

"Ha, that's an unusual thing to hear you say," laughed Vers.

"Well I'm excited for it!" shouted Att-Lass. "It's been a while since I've sighted anything."

Minn-Erva glanced at him. "Logically speaking, I'd say it's only been about two seconds."

"Hey! Are you calling me dumb again?" Att-Lass complained. He leaned in and whispered, "Don't make me tell on you."

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