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Today's Pic: A picture of Vers that I put a filter on! I've made one of these for each member of Starforce, so that's probably what you'll be seeing here for the next several stories. ;)


 One Hala Day, Vers walked across the Helion's docking bay, swinging her arms in a carefree manner. The walls of the bay were lit up in their usual stained-glass manner by bright sunlight. Indeed, it was now getting rather warm on Hala, and Vers found it a welcome change from the bitter cold of winter.

Korath walked out of the Helion pushing the full garbage bin.

"Hey, Korath! Winter went, and spring has come - let's celebrate by doing something dumb!" chanted Vers. "I made that up just now."

"Interesting," he said dully and kept pushing the bin to the other side of the hangar.

"Hey, why are you taking out the trash manually? I thought we had an incinerator on the ship," Vers said, tilting her head.

"We did, but I broke it," Korath replied. He flung the contents of the trash bin out the back of the hangar. It was mostly composed of fruit peels and snack wrappers. "By the way, I believe the Commander has some news to share with you."

"Oh really?" Vers cocked an eyebrow. She turned and dashed up the Helion's ramp. Immediately she almost collided with Att-Lass, who was running around in circles flailing his arms.

"Aaahhh! Everybody panic!" he shouted.

Yon-Rogg was just standing in the doorway of the cockpit, watching him with an unimpressed look. Bron-Char was standing by the weapon racks doing nothing.

"Hey, uh...what's this about?" asked Vers.

Yon-Rogg sighed and maneuvered over to her so that they could be heard over Att-Lass's screaming. "I signed us up for dance lessons."

Vers blinked. "WHAT?!"

Yon-Rogg had already covered his ears, luckily. "You heard me. The Supreme Intelligence said that we should be attending galas more often, and if we are going to start on that, then we all need to know how to properly dance. Mostly so that we don't embarrass ourselves." He gave Vers a pointed look.

"Oh," she said, and then shrugged. "Well, I guess I'm up for it. Seems like a cool thing to know how to do."

She noticed Yon-Rogg visibly relaxed his shoulders. "Great, I was hoping you'd cooperate. Att-Lass is being a tad more difficult, but he'll come around. Now we just have to worry about Minn-Erva."

"Hmm," hmmed Vers. "I'm surprised she doesn't already know how to dance, given that she seems obsessed with being superior to me."

Yon-Rogg gave her a look. "I'm sure she's not obsessed."

"You're sure, but that doesn't necessarily mean you're positive," added Vers.

"Whatever you say," he consented.

"So do you know how to dance? I'd be shocked if you didn't, really."

"I do," he responded. "But I'll still be coming along to oversee everyone's progress, of course."

"Ah, of course," Vers said with a smile. "...But when exactly did you learn?"

"Classified," he answered.

She rolled her eyes. Just then, Minn-Erva came stomping up the ramp, heading straight for the two of them.

Yon-Rogg put on a fake smile. "Oh, hello, Minn-Erva, your angry face is such a charming sight. What can I help you with?"

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