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Today's Pic: A Starforce mission briefing. :O


   One Hala Day, Vers was sitting on her bed doing the typical morning stretches of a lazy person. She yawned and grabbed a freshly made cup of coffee from her nightstand. Just as she went to take a tentative sip from the steaming rim...

Her comm bleeped loudly, causing her to jump and some of the coffee to spill. It landed on her snow-white pajama pants. Jumping up and cursing and flailing, she set down her coffee cup and grabbed her comm. "AAHHHHRRGGHHH!!" she yelled into it. "WHAT?!"

There were a few beats of silence from the other end. "...Vers, I apologize for interrupting, but it can wait." It was Yon-Rogg. "We have a mission, straight from the Supreme Intelligence. Report to the Helion the millisecond you get those pants into the wash."

"Wait, a mission?" she jumped up. Then she processed exactly what he said. "Wait, how did you know my pants wer--"

"I expect you here in ten minutes!!" he cut the communication.

"Oi," she grumbled. But it was an excited grumble.

When Vers got to the Helion, she found the rest of Starforce running all over the ship double-checking everything and generally panicking. Yon-Rogg was standing in the center watching them all like they were disgraces.

"Everyone, stop panicking!" he yelled. "You're acting like this is our first mission."

Att-Lass stopped up short as he was running. "Well, it's been a while since we had an assignment, so we're all just trying to make sure we're ready."

Korath ran through the room and smashed into Att-Lass. They went down on the floor in a heap of guns and ammo.

Yon-Rogg gave them a once-over. "On second thought, perhaps you need this prep time."

Vers stepped over the heap of limbs and weapons. "Ha! Looks like I'm the only one to be trusted on this mission, since I am actually coordinated." She proceeded to slip on a scattered pistol and fall on top of Att-Lass and Korath.

"Oof," said Att-Lass from the bottom of the heap.

Yon-Rogg looked down at the three of them. "Just...get up. It's time for the briefing."

"Hehe," Vers chuckled casually as she pushed off of Korath's head to stand up. Just then, Minn-Erva and Bron-Char came in, having fully prepped and battened down the kitchen.

"Listen up, team!" announced Yon-Rogg. He pulled up something on his wrist display and proceeded to project it into the air with the iconic Starforce projector-glove-claw-thingy...

The presentation showed a fiery red planet. "Today we'll be traveling to Planet X-27 in order to apprehend a Kree soldier who has been identified as a traitor and spy," explained Yon-Rogg. "His last given coordinates were right here." He pointed at the map and a glowing yellow dot appeared. "We are to split up and approach him with stealth in order to take him by surprise if possible. If not, he is bound to resist forcefully, so if it comes to that we'll just have to bring the heat. The Supreme Intelligence recommended bringing him in alive if possible, but if terminating him becomes necessary then it's permissible. And speaking of heat, this planet is 86% lava, so the temperatures will be rather brutal, and the landmass is unsteady due to constant lava eruptions. So, in conclusion, we'll need to tread lightly. No large explosives should be used, though I can't see why we'd really need them. It's a simple apprehension and extraction." He shut off the projection.

The whole team was standing quietly in thought. Vers spoke first, of course. "Who would ever betray the Kree? That's crazy!"

Yon-Rogg gave her a look. "Some people end up getting misguided, Vers. By the Skrulls or otherwise." There was something unreadable in his gaze, but Vers decided not to bring that up.

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