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   One Hala Day, Vers was heading to the Helion to see what shenanigans Starforce was getting up to. As she approached the open hatch of the ship, she heard some loud arguing and saw stuff flying around inside. So a typical day then.

"Hey, what's going on now?" she asked, stepping inside.

"Oh, we're just having a disagreement about the plans, for tonight, or whatever," Att-Lass grumbled. He and Bron-Char looked annoyed at each other. "I'll let the Commander explain."

A door opened as if on cue and Yon-Rogg walked in from his fancy commander's quarters. "Vers, you're here. Good. I presume you've been informed about tonight's activities?"

"Uh...no," she replied, "but judging from Att-Lass and Bron-Char's attitudes, it's probably not too great, huh?"

He tilted his head. "Oh, them? They're just arguing about whether to have cake or pie for dessert. We're all teaming up to cook dinner tonight."

She stared at him for a second, then grabbed a cup of water that happened to be sitting on the briefing holo-table, took a sip, and spat it out. Att-Lass got misted. "What?!" she shouted.

Yon-Rogg sighed. "Vers, you heard me. We're all going to have a communal dinner tonight, in order to get some time as a team off the battlefield. I don't know why you're all so against it. The Supreme Intelligence thinks it's a good idea..."

"Oh, good grief. The Supreme Intelligence wants us to make dinner together? What has this world come to?" she looked at Bron-Char, but he was busy reading some old book by the ancient scholars of Hala. "I don't think it's seen what can happen when we're left alone to deal with each other. We're probably going to end up blowing up the Helion."

Yon-Rogg chuckled. "Don't worry, Vers, I'll be there to chaperone you. I'll even help, in fact."

"Really, Commander, there's no need," said Minn-Erva, walking in holding her rifle as if she might need it to threaten somebody. "I'm sure we can handle dinner."

Vers rolled her eyes. "We all think you're really impressive, Minn-Erva, but no, we CANNOT handle dinner. Are you kidding me? Korath will probably eat everything before we can use it, and Bron-Char will probably try to make some old-timey battlefield bread out of flour and water."

"Hey, flour and water make some good sustenance!" exclaimed Bron-Char, closing his book. Vers noticed that the cover said, How to Survive the Battlefield with Flour and Water. "I'm sure we can make a fine cake!"

"No, a pie would be better," said Att-Lass.

"And I don't eat things," said Korath, as he munched on popcorn.

Vers pinched the bridge of her nose.

Yon-Rogg clapped a hand on her shoulder and smiled. "Don't fret, Vers, there's an easy solution to all of this. Minn-Erva and Bron-Char can prepare the main course, Korath can mix us up a fruit punch, Att-Lass will handle the side dish, and you and I can make a pie."

Everyone okayed the plan, except Minn-Erva scowled at the last part.

"Alright, everyone, to the kitchen!!" proclaimed Bron-Char. "I'm thinking...seaweed maggot casserole with mushrooms!"

"NO!!" shouted everyone.

"Fine, fine, it was just a suggestion..." Bron-Char mumbled.

Once they had all piled into the Helion's small kitchen, they each set about making their assigned part of the dinner. While Minn-Erva and Bron-Char argued about the main dish, Att-Lass decided to whip up a salad. He grabbed some lettuce and began shredding it into a bowl. Next to him, Korath was blending fruit into punch.

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