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A/N: Just thought I should start including some random yet awesome photos from the Captain Marvel world. Today's is a shot of upper Hala, as seen from Vers' bedroom window! :P


   One Hala Day, Vers was strolling along the sunny streets of upper Hala in her uniform. She was not out for a happy walk, however. She was on official patrolling duty along with the rest of her team, who were spread out around the district. She didn't understand why they had to patrol – nothing big ever happened, and even if something did, there had to be other less-important noobs to handle it, right?

These were the thoughts going through her head as she stopped at a vendor's booth to buy some work snacks, as she called them. As she continued her uneventful walk while eating chips, her comm buzzed.

"Everyone report back to the main square for analysis." That was Yon-Rogg, obviously.

"Copy. On my way," came Att-Lass's voice.

"Copy. Almost there," said Minn-Erva.

"Copy." Korath, for sure.

"Copy. Headed there now, lad!" boomed Bron-Char.

"Ay-ay! Just lemme finish my work snacks," added Vers.

After some static, Minn-Erva said, "Can't you ever be normal and follow standard protocol, Twinklefists?"

"Nope," said Vers, popping the p.

She heard a sigh come from Yon-Rogg's end. "Just get over here, you guys."

As they regrouped and reported back their findings (of which there were a startlingly nonexistent amount), Vers scrunched up her face and got to thinking.

"Uh-oh, you look like you're thinking," said Att-Lass.

She peeked open one eye and said, "As a matter of fact, I am."

"What about?" he inquired as he checked his pistols. "Or would it be safer if I didn't ask?"

"Ha. I was just thinking that it's been a few weeks since we celebrated Halaween, so it must be time for another holiday, right?" she pondered. "But it seems like there's literally never any holidays here on Hala."

"What do you mean? There is a holiday today," said Att-Lass.

"Wait, really? There is? What is it?" asked Vers excitedly.

"Att-Lass, can I see you over here for a second?" interrupted Yon-Rogg.

"Whoops, gotta go," he said and jogged away.

Vers watched as he conferred with Yon-Rogg. "Suspicious..."

After Att-Lass left, she went up to Yon-Rogg herself and said, "I see what's going on here."

"Whatever could you be talking about, Vers?" he asked dryly as he scrolled on his wrist display.

"I'm thinking that it's a holiday and you don't want us to celebrate it!" she accused.

He paused and looked at her. She looked at him. The staring contest continued.

Minn-Erva walked by, paused, saw them staring into each other's eyes, then shook her head and kept walking, trying to erase the image from her brain.

Finally Yon-Rogg consented with a sigh. "I didn't want to tell you."

"WHAT?! Why on Hala not? Are you afraid I'll pull another fake Skrull heist? Because I seriously won't. Probably."

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