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Today's Pic: Yon-Rogg and Vers TRAINING!!


 One Hala Day, Vers was strolling next to Yon-Rogg through the dark suburban streets of lower Hala. It was early in the morning (but not outlandishly) and they were heading to their usual gym to train. The area was pretty much empty, and the industrial equipment all around them provided a cozy temperature in contrast to the still-chilly streets above. Little potted plants on the roofs were dying, causing leaves to blow about in the air frantically. Some of them settled like snow in Yon-Rogg's hair.

"I like the plant aesthetic," said Vers, brushing them off his head.

"It's the best way to get oxygen filtering down here," Yon-Rogg said.

"Lol," said Vers.

They arrived at the gym, took off their shoes, and plopped down their gym stuff. Then they stood opposite each other in the center of their favorite mat.

Vers readied herself. "Prepared to die?"

He chuckled and took his ready stance. "I'm in no danger of death today, thank you very much."

"We'll see!"

Then she launched herself at him. He proceeded to throw her in every direction available every two seconds, while also throwing in some pearls of wisdom for her to absorb. But they also went through their usual rounds of fill-in-the-blank. Or, as Vers thought of it, interrupt-Yon-Rogg-while-he-was-saying-something-she'd-heard-a-million-times.

"You have to let--"

"—go of the past, I know," she said, attempting to flurry kick him. Every single kick missed, because he just backed up.

"Humor is a--"

"--fun pastime!!" she filled in, trying to get in a punch. He caught it midair, and the slap of the force was so strong it sent a shock wave through the gym. "Ow," she added.

"Vers, it's distraction. Humor is a distraction," he repeated.

She rolled her eyes while blocking some of his jabs. "I know."

"Good! I thought you forgot."

She almost blew a gasket holding in her laughter, but if she let it out she knew that would probably lose her the fight.

He continued with, "Anger only serves--"

"--the enemy," she finished for him. She tried to drop kick him but he somehow magically had ankles of steel and it didn't work. She sighed and rolled out of range of his next kick. She was started to get frustrated and knew he could tell because the ends of her hair were sparking.

"Don't let your--"

"Dreams be dreams?" she finished.

He stopped mid-punch. "What??"

"SIKE!!" she grabbed his arm and spun around to judo flip him over her shoulder. However, it didn't really work and he only went half of the way, meaning he stopped moving right when he was directly over her. He fell and squished her flat into the mat.

"Mmmrppfhh!" she mumbled from underneath him.

"Well," he said. "I do believe there is a lesson to be learned here. You should not attempt to flip opponents who are heavier than you."

"No kidding," she grumbled, trying to claw her way out from underneath him.

"I think this is the first time someone has literally forced me to win," he mused.

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