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Today's Pic: An epic silhouette picture of Yon-Rogg!  o-o


  One Hala Day, Vers was jogging along a long field of tall green grass. The heat from the sun was intense, and the ambient noise of various insects was annoying. Even more annoying was the sweat pouring from her like a waterfall as she pushed a Starforce-issued lawnmower over the thick turf.

"Pick up the pace, Vers!" called Yon-Rogg from behind her. "Don't let the sweat get to you!"

Vers groaned and gave the lawnmower a mighty shove. Of course she wasn't really mowing anything; she was currently partaking in Starforce's lawnmower simulation training. The lawn beneath her was really just a treadmill with super-realistic holographic grass on it. Yon-Rogg stood behind her on the normal flooring overseeing her progress.

"You're starting to droop, Vers. How many times have I told you to get some substantial rest instead of looking at memes all night?"

"The flerken videos aren't going to watch themselves!" she protested, while wiping a water bottle's worth of sweat off her forehead. "You know, if this was real grass, I'd be able to water it with just my sweat."

"Yeah, and then it'd grow back twice as fast so that you could mow it again sooner!" added Att-Lass, who was mowing in the lane next to Vers.

"I doubt Vers' sweat has any nutritional value," said Minn-Erva, who was mowing on Vers' other side.

"And yours does?" Vers asked, wincing as a simulated mosquito bit her.

Minn-Erva turned to look at her, extra blue with exertion. "Possibly."

"No insulting each other's sweat, now," Yon-Rogg called. He was now sitting in a chair looking at something on his wrist display with an umbrella to block out the simulated sunrays settling like snow on his hair.

"Oi, why does he have to catch every wrong thing we do?" asked Vers.

"Because he's very observant, talented, and looking out for our best interests," answered Minn-Erva without missing a beat.

Vers gave her a side-eyed look. "But he also likes to see us suffer, I think," she added thoughtfully.

"I heard that," Yon-Rogg said. He was now sipping an energy drink.

Vers rolled her eyes. 'At least I'm safe in my mind,' she thought.

"Eh, no, you're not, really," replied Yon-Rogg.

Vers stopped mowing. "GASP! You can read my mind!?"

Yon-Rogg lowered his wrist display like an old man would a newspaper. "Uh...well..."

Just then Att-Lass stopped mowing and got off the treadmill. He collapsed on the floor in a heap of sweatiness and didn't move.

By this time Minn-Erva had paused too. "Is he asleep?" she asked.

Vers shook her head sagely. "No, no... I'm pretty sure he's dead."

Yon-Rogg got up and poked Att-Lass. "Hm. I suppose it's time for a break," he decided.

"THANK THE COLLECTIVE!!" shouted Vers. She sprang from her treadmill and began doing ballet all around Att-Lass's dead body.

"Excuse me, Vers," Minn-Erva said mock-sweetly, "but weren't you just dying from exertion two seconds ago?"

Vers stopped dancing. "Yeah, but that was when I was mowing. Now I am not mowing, and I am happy." She swiped Yon-Rogg's energy drink and downed it. "GASP! I didn't know you liked the Starforce Explosion flavor!"

Minn-Erva let out an annoyed grumble and grabbed a towel from her training locker. "When will you learn to actually be mature and professional?" she asked. "And by extension, show the proper respect due to your superiors?" She seemed to be ignoring the fact that Yon-Rogg wasn't giving one hoot about whatever Vers was doing.

Vers turned to look at her. Her cheeks were ballooned with energy drink. She swallowed with some difficulty and then said, "Minn-Erva, Minn-Erva, Minn-Erva. I've told you countless times. I AM professional. And your name has too many syllables. And it's not like Yon-Rogg or anybody else is THAT much more superior to me."

Yon-Rogg's eyebrow raised, and Minn-Erva's eye twitched. "You're the most recent recruit on our team!" she exploded. "By basic logic, that makes you lowest on the totem pole! You don't have the right to talk down to people or boss anybody around! No one should listen to you, and yet they still do! For some stupid unimaginable reason, you have everyone wrapped around your finger, especially the Co--"

"Who's yelling in here?" asked Korath, walking in. He had one of those sweat-wicking exercise bands around his bald head. It was bright purple too.

Minn-Erva paused in her angry rant. She took a long deep breath for three minutes straight. "Nobody was yelling," she said at last. Then she tromped out.

Korath looked puzzled. Yon-Rogg looked concerned. Vers just blinked.

"If you all don't mind my intrusion, why exactly is silence reigning in here?" asked Bron-Char, walking in. He was in a tank top, which scared Vers back to reality.

"Oh, no reason, just that Minn-Erva had a mental breakdown," she said with a smile.

"You don't suppose someone should go check on her?" asked Korath.

"I thought this episode was supposed to be about exercise," Bron-Char said with a confused look.

"Yeah, this isn't some family drama," Vers added.

"Hm, that reminds me, there is a new season of Everybody Loves Ronan. I should go watch that," said Korath and he left.

"Uhhh...I thought he came here to exercise?" Vers looked super confused now.

"Oh no, I just called him over in case he needed to break up a fight between you and Minn-Erva," interjected Yon-Rogg. "Looks like it was the right call."

Vers gave him a suspicious look. "Your ability to predict the future is slightly scary," she said with narrowed eyes. "And read minds. Are those special superpowers that some Kree have or something?"

He smiled good-naturedly and popped up whatever he was looking at on his wrist display. "Not at all. I just know you, and I know that wherever you go, trouble usually follows."

Vers stuck out her tongue, but she was smiling too. "Harsh."

Bron-Char scratched his head. "Well if nothing else interesting is happenin, I suppose I'll start on my 5-hour weekend workout." He started pushing a lawnmower at 60 mph with only his pinkie.

Vers just shook her head and gathered up her things. "Well I guess I'll go home and sit in a hot bath and eat an entire cake to soothe my poor muscles."

"Vers..." started Yon-Rogg.

"I'm kidding!" she laughed. "Sort of. Not really." She walked out the door.

"Oi." Yon-Rogg pinched the bridge of his nose.

Minn-Erva poked her head in. "So everybody's just gonna forget about me??"

"Hey, lass! Care to join me?!" called Bron-Char. Now he was juggling several lawnmowers.

Minn-Erva rolled her eyes. "On second thought, I think I'll just go take a nap."


A/N: I think it's worth saying that it's canon that Yon-Rogg can read Vers' mind. (In some situations anyway!) :P

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