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A/N: The following story is the 20th one in this epic saga, and therefore will be the final episode. There had been plans for at least two more stories, but since the CM fandom has come to a standstill, I didn't have enough motivation to write them. I will, however, give you this finale, which is not quite a "Starforce" story. There's a time skip between the last story and this one, so that it takes place after the events of the Captain Marvel movie. It is more of a means of looking back and reviewing the past, than telling a new narrative. As such, there will be spoilers for Captain Marvel in this finale. You have been warned. Also, it seemed fitting that as the album draws to a close, the tone of the final story should be somewhat solemn and, dare I say, emotional.
 Now, without further ado, please enjoy the final Starforce Story. Thank you for being a part of this great journey ;-;


  One Earth Day, Carol Danvers sat at an aging wooden dinner table in the dining room of a small country house in the middle of Louisiana. Despite the pleasant country setting, the food on the table was not exactly homemade, however.

"Mmm, I don't think I will ever be able to get enough of human cuisine," murmured Talos contentedly as he chewed his #2 combo burger from McDonald's.

"Cuisine?" asked Fury, raising an eyebrow. "I tend to think of it more as...garbage."

That statement caused Monica to spit her Dr. Pepper clean across the table. "Garbage?! Don't be ridiculous! This food is the most glorious thing to grace my plate in a long time. I'm glad we decided to do this little get together!"

"Monica, watch your manners!" exclaimed Maria. "I'm pretty sure it's considered impolite even by aliens to spit your soda at somebody." She glanced over at Carol, who for some reason bore a perturbed look as she watched the Dr. Pepper mist settle like snow on Fury's hair.

"Everything alright, Carol?" asked Maria as she passed a towel to Fury while Talos cackled.

"Hm?" Carol shook the dazed look off her face. "Oh. Yeah. I déjà vu for a bit, like, this has happened before..."

"What? I thought your days of memory loss were over!" exclaimed Monica.

"Oh, well, I'm sure there are still some finer details I have yet to remember," Carol mused. She left it at that, staring at her burger as if was very interesting.

Maria gave Carol a questionable look. Then she stuffed the rest of her burger in as quickly as possible and stood up. "I'm going to go prepare Talos a bed, do you mind helping me out, Carol?"

Carol looked up. "Uh, isn't it a bit early to--"

"NO IT ISN'T!! YOU ARE COMING WITH ME!" Maria yanked Carol from her seat and dragged her from the dining room.

"Yeesh, that woman is scary," said Talos, sipping his own soda loudly.

"Hey, that's my mom you're talkin about," Monica said, crossing her arms. "But I agree."

Fury chuckled. "Not as scary as your Auntie Carol, if you ask me."

"She's not scary! She's cool. And she helps me sneak junk food sometimes."


As soon as Maria had barricaded herself and Carol into the living room, she plunked Carol on the couch and sat down opposite from her. Then she prepared to give a death stare into her soul.

"Before you stare into my soul," Carol interjected, "I just have to say that there's really nothing wrong."

"Yes there is," Maria replied with a deadpan voice that left no room for debate. "You got all quiet after seeing Dr. Pepper mist in the air!! That is a great cause for concern. Not to mention, this happens on a rare night we managed to get everybody together to have fun."

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