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Today's Pic: A shot of lower Hala. As you can see, it's dark and mostly lit by electronic lighting since it's not on the surface of the planet.


  One Hala Day, Vers walked out of her apartment building and tripped and fell face first onto the pavement. Luckily, it wasn't too hard of a fall because the pavement was covered in a sturdy layer of...

"SNOW!!" shouted Vers. She grabbed some and tossed it into the air. "Must've fallen overnight."

She got up and started brushing herself off. She noticed that a small potted bush by the apartment complex's entrance had totally shriveled up and died. It was just a few twigs poking out of a bed of snow now.

"How sad," she commented.

Just then, someone came up behind her and said, "Your hedge needs trimming."

She turned around, already knowing who it was, of course. "Haha, very funny, Yon-Rogg. Did it take you all morning to think of that?"

"Well, considering it's only eight hours after midnight and I've been sleeping for seven of them, and I didn't know it would snow, AND I didn't think all the plants would die," he replied. "I came up with it on the spot. I DO have a sense of humor, you know."

She smiled as she secretly did something behind her back. "Yeh, I know. It only really exists because of me, though."

"Don't take so much credit," he said, and turned around to admire the snow swept landscape of early morning upper Hala.

Then it happened...a snowball hit the back of his head.

He whipped around and glared at Vers, who was busy trying and failing to conceal her laughter. "Uhhh...oops. Hand slipped," she giggled.

"Right. It slipped. And that resulted in a snowball being formed and thrown at my head."

She looked around innocently. "Yeah."

He slowly turned away. " that case..." He turned back with an entire armload of snowballs. They apparently just magically materialized. "Prepare to die!!" he yelled and cannonballed Vers with them.

"YI!" she shouted and ran for cover. She blasted a hole in a large snowbank and dove through it. "You'll never take me alive!" she yelled. She began forming more ammo.

"We'll see!" he shouted back. He lobbed a snowball in a perfect arc and it hit Vers square on the top of her head.

"Oof!" she grumbled, dusting the snow off her hair. "I think I need to up my game."

She quickly assembled a snow catapult and loaded it with snow. Then she covered her ears and fired it. A wall of snow enveloped Yon-Rogg. She peeked over her wall and saw nothing but a ginormous pile of whiteness.

"Uh...Yon? Are you dead?" she cautiously stepped over the wall and approached the snow heap.

But all at once...the snow levitated into the air, lifted by Yon-Rogg's antigravity gauntlets.

"Uh-oh..." Vers said. "HIT THE DECK!"

She dove for cover as Yon-Rogg launched 200 pounds of snow at her. Just as it made contact, they heard a new voice enter the scene.

"Uh, Commander...why are you killing Vers?" It was Att-Lass.

Yon-Rogg stopped and his gauntlets powered down instantly. The remaining snow in the air fell lightly, almost as if was a natural snowfall.

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