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The disgruntled teenager let out an annoyed grunt as his alarm blared in his ear, waking him up from his comfortable sleep. He turned over and pulled the blankets over his head, hoping the noise would stop on its own. His eyes slowly opened after only a minute or two after realizing that the noise wouldn't cease.

He idly sighed and threw back the covers, reaching for the buzzing piece of noise on his nightstand to make it stop. He fumbled around in the dark for a minute, blindly reaching for the 'snooze' button before he hit it with a swift slap of his hand. He collapsed back onto his bed- sighing again. It was Monday. He never liked Mondays.

The covers of his comfortable bed welcomed him back in instantly. Nothing was better than the feeling of just closing your eyes for a few more minutes, sinking back into the welcoming plush of the pillows or the soothing silky feeling of the comforter. The cushy mattress and warm blankets beckoning you back in- letting you bask in their warmth just for those few extra minutes.

The alarm went off again.

After what seemed like an eternity, the teen mustered enough fortitude to eventually swing his legs over the side of his bed and reach for his phone. He hissed at the bright light the box omitted into his eyes, causing him to squint at the time.


His eyeballs nearly popped out of his skull when his eyes focused on the time. He was late.

The teen immediately jumped off his bed, the thought of sleeping long gone from his brain. He quickly grabbed whatever sweatshirt-and-sweatpants combo he could pull out and booked it to his bathroom. He cursed under his breath multiple times while getting ready, spitting strong venom under his breath that would manage to turn a few appalled looks his way if he spoke any louder.

He swung the door open from his bathroom and galloped down the steps- hastily threading his fingers through his blonde messy hair. He ran towards the back door and swiftly managed to put his shoes on, grabbing his coat and backpack in the process. He pocketed his phone as he stood up- hurriedly heading towards the front door.

"Clay!" A distant female voice called, causing the teen to whip his head in the direction it was coming from as he was about to sprint out the front door.

"Yeah mom?" The teen yelled back, placing a hand on the door handle and opening it- the bitter cold air immediately hitting his face.

"Have a good day!" The woman replied, a smile being heard tacked on with her voice. The teen silently rolled his eyes and mustered back a quick 'mhm' before slamming the door shut and bounding down his driveway, taking an internal deep breath before making a mad dash to his car that was parked at the end of the driveway.

Clay had only gotten his license a year ago but this routine was almost second nature to him. 'Keys. I'm so late. Seatbelt. I'm so late. Seat warmers. I'm so late. Reverse. I'm so screwed.'


He hurriedly put the car in park and snatched the keys from the ignition- stuffing them in his pocket and swinging his door open. He reached for his backpack in the passenger seat and jumped from his car, slamming the car door and locking it in the process. He sprinted down the school parking lot and blinked back the unforgiving cold spikes of air that attacked his exposed face as he ran.

Clay made his way through the front doors of the school completely out of breath. He glanced around the halls and noticed the copious amounts of bodies still surrounding it. One swift glance at the time his phone allowed to let out a relieved sigh.

'I still have plenty of time, thank god.' He thought to himself as he attempted to compose himself and catch his breath, slowly walking down the hallway.

𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦. | 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝Where stories live. Discover now