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The rest of Clay's morning had continued like normal. Same people, same atmosphere, same lame schoolwork. Mystery bo- George- didn't appear in any of his other classes yet either. He shoved the last of his textbooks in his locker before grabbing his lunch bag and closing his locker door with a loud bang.

Clay turned around and slowly began making his way to the lunchroom when he felt his phone buzz in his pocket. He quickly fished it out, a singular text displaying on his screen.

Hey, can we meet by the bathroom right outside the cafeteria today? I got sum stuff 2 take care of first.
11:46 am

read 11:46 am

Clay quickly responded- once again pocketing his phone- making a headline for the bathroom.


The blonde stopped right outside the door of the bathroom. He looked around for the ravenette, but saw no sign. He waited for about another minute scanning the thinning crowd before reaching for his phone to text him. He was stopped when he heard a loud thud, and then a yell coming from the bathroom.

Clay whipped around to face the bathroom door, face contorted with confusion. He heard more yelling coming from inside. Clay cautiously placed his hand on the door, pushing it open a crack. He paused for a second before pushing it all the way and stepped inside.

Clay's eyes widened as he immediately laid eyes on Nick and various other familiar faces, seemingly forming a crowd around something in the middle on the ground.

"When I ask you a question, you answer me whimp!"

Nicks familiar voice screamed throughout the bathroom, the echo wrapping itself around the room.

Oh fuck.

Sapnap had some anger issues, Clay knew that. He never involved Clay though, he knew the taller boy didn't like it nor approve of it.

Clay scanned the crowd- picking out another face he recognized and knew all too well. Luke- erm- Punz, was another close football friend of Nick's. He didn't know him too well but Clay knew he was a lot like Nick.

"Look at me when I talk to you asshole!" Sapnap growled, looking at something on the floor. Punz stood behind him and slapped Sapnap's shoulder, laughing encouragingly.

Clay felt frozen, his feet stuck on the floor and his mouth refusing to work. He never saw his best friend like this.

After hearing no response, Sapnap threw a violent kick at the figure on the floor. A few laughs and some 'oooo's from the small crowd were heard. Punz was laughing the hardest.

Sapnap scoffed and spit on the figure, causing Clay to flinch. The ravenette stepped back contently, finally looking up and meeting Clay's resentful eyes.

Clay managed to catch the demeanor immediately shift in his best friend's eyes when they made eye contact. The once confident and roaring tease had dwindled into an apologetic, sincere gaze.

The group around the figure on the floor slowly dispersed as soon as Sapnap took a step back. Clay kept his eyes on the shorter, still in complete shock over what he just watched. All that remained in the bathroom now were Clay, Punz, Sapnap, and the figure on the bathroom floor.

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