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The rest of the night had went as planned for George and Clay. Without any interruptions, the two were able to work and bit longer before Clay eventually went home for the evening.

The rest of Clay's routine that evening went as normal, and he was back at school the next day. Except now, Nick's usually morning presence was lacking. He hadn't seen Nick or Punz at all in the halls that morning, almost as if they weren't even there.

First period with George went normally as well. Instead of working- though- the boys mostly just picked up on their pervious conversation about video games again.

The day seemed to be passing by with ease, as Clay was already in his fifth period. He recognized a few faces in the class- Floris, Wilbur, and Darryl- choosing to sit near them and indulge in some small conversation. Clay was tapping around on his phone before a notification popped up at the top of his screen.


Clay's heart must've skipped a beat looking at the name, completely taken aback hearing from him so soon. He hastily clicked on the notification, reading the vague contents of the text.

Are u free tonight?
1:14 pm

Uh, yeah. Why?
1:14 pm

Can u meet at the spot
1:14 pm

What time?
1:14 pm

Anytime after school
1:14 pm

That's fine. I'll be there around 3.
read 1:15 pm

Clay let out a shaky sigh as his fingers danced over the screen of his phone, sending his last message. He clicked the 'off' button on the side of his phone— setting it down on his desk in front of him with a clack.

He swallowed before turning his attention back up towards the conversation he had in expectantly dropped out of, trying to pick up what they were talking about.

Clay couldn't help but space out, thinking about the sudden invite from Nick. What did he want? He thought to himself, crossing his arms and leaning back into his chair. Surely he still wants to be friends.



Clay strummed his fingers along his steering wheel while waiting a stop light. It was about ten to three and the blonde was on his way to meet Nick. Despite being his friend for as long as he would remember, something about this felt so nerve wracking and unnatural to him.

His mind has been on meeting up with Nick ever since he was asked. He hasn't even been able to pay attention to his last class that day- his mind completely plagued for when he had to face his best friend.

He pressed his foot on the gas lead also when the light turned green, slowly cruising forward. Am i overreacting? He thought to himself, his eyes burning invisible craters onto the road in front of him.

Clay let out a shallow breath as he pulled into a parking lot and parked his car. He took the keys out of the ignition. Shots of nerves shot up his body every time he moved, only making him more on edge. He didn't even realize he was bouncing his leg up and down until he went to get out of his car.

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