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Clay let out an uncontrollable wheeze when Alex pushed against his shoulder, feigning a loud fake cry. "I'm literally not doing that! Oh my god you're so—" He cut himself off with another fit of laughter, causing him to double over against the hallway wall.

"Come on man! It's be hilarious!" Alex encouraged, starting to burst out into laughter himself. Clay felt a punch touch against his shoulder, causing him to come to his senses while trying to cease his laughter.

"Someone boiling tea in here?" Nick commented, retracting his hand from Clays shoulder and stepping back- also beginning to laugh. Clay only replied in a high pitched wheeze, barely able to contain himself. Alex, Nick, and Luke- who was standing alongside Nick- started laughing as well.

The four slowly made their way to the lunchroom, trying their best to contain their laughter all the way there. They eventually got to their usual table and all took their usual spots.

Today has been much better for Clay in comparison to the previous. It was lunchtime now and Clay managed to get through his morning with nothing shy of a smile.

Well, there was one issue.

Clay turned to his friends, who were already talking amongst themselves. "Hey guys?" Clay opened the brown paper bag he carried with him containing his lunch. He pulled out a bag of chips- opening it. The members of the table sitting closest to him turned in his direction.

"Do any of you guys know a George? George.." Clay thought for a moment. "..Davidson? I think his last name is?" Clay furrowed his brows, looking down at the table in thought. Was that his last name? His eyes flickered back up after a few seconds. He looked around at anyone's face for any sort of recognition.

"Are you talking about the new kid?" A quiet voice piped up, belonging to Karl. He slightly tilted his head as he spoke, leaning over the table to talk over the loud lunch room.

"Yeah, that's him. Is he in any of your classes?" Clay took his lip between this teeth, asking Karl. "Simp much?" Nick joked, chuckling.

Nick didn't know who George was. Well, not by name at least.

Clay elbowed Nick in the side and Karl shot a disapproving look at the ravenette before answering. "Yeah, he's in my second hour. What about him?" Karl questioned, looking back at Clay with puzzled eyes. The rest of the guys at the table surrounding them all picked up their own side conversations.

"We're working on a group project together. Was he in your second hour today?" Clay asked, reaching into his chip bag and pulling a few out- popping them into his mouth.

"Now that you mention it, he actually wasn't." Karl frowned- recalling George's absence. Clay let out a sigh. George wasn't in first period either.

George wasn't at school today.

Clay mumbled a quick 'thank you' to Karl before returning his attention back to his lunch. As much as he didn't want to admit it, he was curious. Why did he miss his second day of school? Clay began chewing on the inside of his lip as he pulled out his phone.

Hey, where were you today?
11:56 am

George :]
hi! i'm sorry, i meant to text you sooner.
i wasn't feeling that good today so i stayed home.
i'm still okay with you coming over after school and working on the project if you are :]
11:57 am

Oh ok
Yeah that's fine
11:57 am

George :]
did we work on anything in class or did we just work on the project ?
11:57 am

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