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"All this time, you've seriously just been over here? By yourself?" Clay asked through a chuckle, chewing on his sandwich. George shrugged, picking through the small bag of chips he had himself. "It's not like i could have gone anywhere else, I've only been here a week."

"True," Clay nodded, dipping his head. The blonde somehow had managed to convince George to skip some of his next period so they could eat together. What Clay didn't know, though, is that George ate lunch on the gymnasium stairs.

"I still haven't really made any other friends yet... so when I noticed it wasn't really occupied over here my first day, I- I just took it." Clay slightly grimaced, fully realizing George had been sitting here alone for a week now.

"You really don't get out much, do you? I haven't seen you talking to anyone else at school yet." The blonde inquired, his comment unintentionally coming off a slightly standoffish to George. "It's- it's not that easy." He snapped back, his eyes lingering for a moment before returning to his own food.

Clay immediately sensed the hurt in George's tone and caught himself before slipping up and saying anything else. "Sorry." He quickly apologized, setting down his sandwich. "I.. didn't really know it was that hard for you." He continued, apologizing truthfully.

"Why don't you come sit at my lunch table this week? There's enough room." Clay recovered- looking up at George with a new glint in his eyes. George furrowed his brows. "I don't know.. Don't you sit at like.. the football table?" He asked, slightly shifting his position on the stairs to face Clay more.

Clay blew raspberries from his mouth. "They wouldn't mind." George continued thinking about it, still decently reluctant. "I wouldn't want to impede or anything,, I-" George was cut off when Clay threw his head back. "Come on! You can sit next to me. Please?"

George opened his mouth, but then closed it again. He let out a defeated- yet also amused- sigh. "Fine, Clay." A wide, crooked grin quickly flashed on Clay's face. "Yes! You're going to really like Karl and Alex, I feel like you guys would get along." Clay chuckled, eventually just pitching the rest of his uneaten sandwich.


Clay flipped between pages of his notebook, sighing loudly. The entire day passed by with a breeze and Clay found himself back at George's house working on the project.

The blonde was spread out on George's bed, George sat close to him- his back leaning against his headboard. As if on cue, George looked down at Clay as he sighed for a second time. "Stuck?" The brunette asked, marking the page and closing the book in his hands.

"A little." Clay scoffed, frustratingly scribbling out a few ideas on his page. George opted to take the more analytical and writing portion of the project, while Clay took the more creative art portion of it.

"What do you have so far?" George asked, pushing his goggles up the bride of his nose with his index finger. He crossed his legs and turned his attention towards Clay. "Sorry, it's not that good." The blonde apologized, cringing slightly.

"Come on, it can't be that bad. I've seen you doodling on your hands before and even that looks impressive." George genuinely complimented, following with a small grin. Clay felt a slight flush come over his face.

"You've noticed that?" Clay sheepishly asked, absentmindedly looking down at his hands at the faded pen marks. George merely nodded, looking at Clay with expectant eyes.

The blonde took a quick look at his sketches one more time before handing his notebook to George, watching his facial expression change almost immediately after his gaze skimmed across the page. "Holy shit Clay.." He gasped.

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