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"Darryl and Zak are pretty nice, they would get along with anyone." Clay spoke, a fond smile on his face. The two boys had been spending the last hour of their time in a flowing conversation- loosely still playing twenty questions.

"Uhh.. Sam's a pretty chill dude but he doesn't talk much." Clay shrugged, setting his eyes on the boy sitting adjacent to himself. "But enough about my friends, my turn." A loud clap of thunder struck outside, seemingly shaking the house.

"What's with those goggles? I haven't seen you without them since I first saw you." The blonde inquired- letting his eyes trace around the white rims of the glasses.

George quickly lost his formally blissful expression and was quickly replaced with a more somber- startled look. The boy instinctively pushed the brim of the goggles up his nose- attempting to form an answer.

"They uh- they just kinda look nice. I have some vision issues and I— they kind of help me see stuff I wouldn't be able to without them." George slowly spat out, keeping his eye contact away from Clay.

Clay let his eyes drop to the bedspread. "Ah- makes sense." Clay mumbled sincerely. There was a slight pause before either of the boys spoke up again. "How long have you had them for?" The taller again questioned, his vibrant, green eyes looking straight into the darkly tinted goggles lens.

George thought about his answer for a moment. "I've had plenty of pairs for years but I got these," George touched the rim on the goggles. "About three or so years ago." He commented. Clay slightly chuckled. "They look cool. I've always wondered what it was like to have glasses." He grinned, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Well you definitely don't want them." George tsked, his confidence slowly starting to regain. Another scilence hung before the brunette asked his counter-question. "Do you-- have any siblings or anything?"

Clay rolled his eyes at the question. "Unfortunately, yes. I have a younger sister, an older brother, and an older sister." He held his fingers out as he counted his siblings.

"The younger ones a pain," He empathized, dragging out the 'n' in pain. "She's a few years younger than me and gets the 'younger sibling' treatment." Clay nagged.

"Everyone in my family knows it, even my mom. Wouldn't be surprised even if that cat knew about it!" Clay complained, throwing his hands up in and expression and leaning against the bed frame.

George let a small chuckle slip in reply. "You have a cat too?" He quietly asked. "Ah, yeah." Clay grinned, happy to think about his car rather than his annoying siblings. "Her name is Patches."

"Patches? Really?" The brunette giggled, surprised by the silly name. "Hey, what's wrong with Patches? I picked it myself when I was younger!" Clay said, holding his hand to his cheek in mock nobility.

This only caused George to laugh harder, causing him so cover his mouth is laughter. "What, do you have a pet? I don't think it's name would be any better than my cat's." Clay explained, beginning to laugh himself.

George's laugher died down after Clay's question, but the smile still remained on his face. "I do have a cat, but he's not here." George spoke. "Well, what's his name?" Clay asked, a prominent grin still held on his face.

"Hmm.. you can call him Cat." The name cause Clay to break out in confused laugher. "Cat?" He asked again, his laugher holding him back from saying any more.

Clay's loud laugher caused George to begin laughing himself. "You'd- you'd make fun of his actual name anyway idiot!" The shorter explained through his own fit of giggles.


Clay slumped down in his lunch seat, lazily holding his head in his hand before mindlessly pulling out his phone. It was the next day at school and just like the last, it was painfully uneventful.

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