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The lunch seating was a little confusing to understand in just writing so i made a diagram/visual picture you can reference back to if you wanna remember everyones usual seats at lunch! this may help out in the future :]

The lunch seating was a little confusing to understand in just writing so i made a diagram/visual picture you can reference back to if you wanna remember everyones usual seats at lunch! this may help out in the future :]

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The freezing wind whipped against Clay's face as he cruised along against the road on his way home. It was definitely way too cold for his windows to be down- but quite frankly- the bitter winds and freezing temperate did little to cease the kindling fire inside him.

After lunch, the rest of Clay's day at school went all as normal. He continued going to all of his classes as normal and managed to get through the rest of the day without incident.

So why did he feel so off? Clay kept one hand on his steering wheel, gripping it tightly. His arm hung out the window, letting the breeze slip through his fingers.

He swallowed before slowing his car and stopping at an intersection. What is wrong with me? Clay internally cursed, furrowing his brows.

Clay swung his arm hanging out of his window and began drumming his fingers on the side of his car. It's not like anything bad happened today. He began to ration.

He let out a heavy sigh as the light in front of him turned green, causing Clay to quickly press onto the gas. He decided to push down the unwanted lump in his throat as he reached over and cranked the volume up on the random song on the radio, drowning out the nasty thoughts.

The wind unforgivingly nipped at his exposed skin, causing the boy to shiver. Clay barely felt it. He only went faster, surely exceeding the speed limit.


Clay threw his book bag on his desk chair and slammed his door with a loud bang before collapsing into his unmade bed. He raked a shaky hand through his blonde locks, the cold still wracking throughout his body.

He pulled a blanket over his body and lulled into the comforting pillows, screwing his eyes shut. It all started with that George kid. The white noise surrounding him only let the thoughts from before deep back into his mind.

He took my seat. He caught me off guard. Clay balled a fistful of hair as he remembered his morning. Then I saw Sapnap in the bathroom. He scrunched his eyes closed tighter.

Why do I even care what happened? It's fucking stupid anyways. Clay's stomach churned after thinking of what happened in the bathroom today. Why was it affecting him this badly? Her never saw it first hand but he knew Sapnap occasionally did stuff like this.

Clay's mind wandered to the result of what he saw after the altercation- specifically George on the floor. George's back was turned against Clay, preventing him from seeing the blonde. He looked to had been picking up something from the floor- probably something sapnap knocked out is his hands.

𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦. | 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝Where stories live. Discover now