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Clay pressed a hand on his front door and paused, turning to the short brunette beside him. "Just a fair warning," he began, sucking in air through his teeth. "My family might be a bit much. I'm really sorry if my sisters say anything out of line."

George's uneasy glance turned into a bashful smile as he nudged Clay's shoulder with his own. "Don't worry about it." God, he's such a saint. Clay thought to himself, mentally bracing himself for opening the door.

The blonde opened the front door and was met with an empty hallway, none of his family anywhere to be found. Clay glanced around nervously before reaching to shut the door. As if one cue, the noise of the door shutting seemed to have alerted every body from the home.

Clay's youngest sister was the first to see the duo, instantly stopping in her tracks at the sight of George. Clay mentally facepalmed- already regretting bringing George to his house. "Hi." Clay's younger sister quietly said, seemingly initiated in George's presence.

"Hello." George greeted back, taking a step closer next to Clay. "Before any other words could be exchanged- Clay's older brother entered the room. "Woah! Looks like Clayton brought home a friend!" He grinned, pressing a hand to his little sisters back.

Clay grumbled under his breath, near seconds away from just dragging George upstairs. Much to his surprise- though- George had an amused grin plastered on his face. "What?" A high pitched squeal came from the other room- that belonging to his older sister.

"Clay!" His oldest sister exclaimed, coming into the room. "Who's this?" Her eyes scanned George. Clay let out a defeated sigh, completely wishing he was anywhere else with George right now.

"This," Clay brung up a hand and gestures it towards George. "Is George. We're working on a project." The blonde dragged out the 't' in project, his annoyance evident in his tone. "George?" Another voice perked up from much farther in the home.

This definitely was not a good idea.

Clay's mother appeared from a different hallway, one coming from the kitchen. "You must be George!" She happily grinned, raising both of her hands up. "I've heard so much about you from Clay! All good things, I promise!" She reached in and enveloped George into a hug.

Clay let out an audible groan at his family's antics, his annoyance completely through the roof. "Like I was saying," He paused to empathize his point. "We need to work on a project." Clay's mother let go of George- a relieved sigh escaping her lips.

Clay grabbed George's hand and quickly made his way up the steps to his bedroom, wanting to get out of there as soon as possible. "Have fun boys!" Clay's mother called down from the floor under them, the blonde merely groaning in response.

The blonde didn't let go of George's hand all the way up the steps and across the hallway to his room. He tugged the brunette inside and shut the door behind him, their hands still comfortably clasped together. "I'm so sorry for them." Clay began, bringing a palm to his face.

"Sorry?" George giggled. Clay looked up from his palm and was pleasantly surprised when the brunette had a dopey grin on his face. "What are you even sorry for? They all seem lovely." He laughed, scrunching his nose.


Things settled between the pair and they both eventually got to working. They hadn't gotten much done at the library yesterday because of the eventual distraction from their friends, so they agreed to work in a quieter environment.

Clay's house was the only one with a working computer and printer. "Do you think this sounds good?" George asked, turning around from Clay's desk to face the blonde sitting on his bed nearby.

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