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Clay and Nick had met Friday night, so that meant the next way was completely up to Clay's devices. He and George hadn't agreed to meet at all this weekend either, so Clay finally had time to relax.

He had already spent a majority of his Saturday sleeping, just trying to keep his mind off of yesterday. He knew things were probably going to be fine between them but to Clay, it just felt extremely off.

The blonde swung his legs over his bed with a sigh- pocketing his phone and making his way towards his bedroom door. He bounced down his stairs and made his way into the kitchen, his entire family seeming to already be there.

"-It's not like I couldn't helped it!" A young girl exclaimed, seemingly complaining about something. An older girl sat next to her, scoffing at what she was saying. She only scrolled along at the feed at her phone- not even looking like she was listening.

Clay looked over to his right to his mother standing at the stove, assuming what she was making was dinner. Clay awkwardly sat down at the kitchen table on the other side of his sisters, pulling out his own phone.

"Hey! look who finally woke up from his hibernation!" A male voice boomed, ruffling up Clay's hair from behind. The blonde reached up and swatted the hand away, scowling at his older brother.

This seemed to catch the rest of his family's attention, as all eyes were now on him. "Good evening Clay! Glad to see you can join us for dinner. I'm making spaghetti." His mother loudly spoke from the other side of the kitchen.

His two sisters both turned their gazes towards the tired blonde, both acknowledging his presence at the table. "Where have you been?" His older sister spat, her amused smile looking up towards his messed up hair.

"Sleeping." Clay responded, his eyes narrowing. "No, like all week!" His younger sister exclaimed, slightly bouncing in her seat. "You haven't been around much after school, not even in your room!" She continued, now leaning on the table.

Clay's eyes shot over to her. "I've just been busy. That's all." He backtracked, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms. "Busy huh? Sounds like you've got a girlfriend." Clay's older sister antagonized with a venomous smile.

Clay sputtered, causing both of the girls to break out in maniacal laughter. "I literally just said I was busy. You always think it has to do with a girl!" He snapped, turning his gaze away from them and instead looked out from their door wall.

"Aw come on Clayton, it's about time you get your self a special someone!" His older sister cackled. "Don't call me that." Clay seethed, barely giving her the time of day by not looking up.

"What's she like? Have you kissed? OOO! I bet they've kis-" "That's enough ladies!" Clay's mom interrupted his younger sister, shooting daggers at both of them for their sour behavior. "Even if Clay did start having interest in a specific girl, it's none of your business, girls."

Clay felt relieved at his moms gesture. He looked back up at his sisters defeated faces, stopping himself from almost flipping the bird before his mom came though the doorway with some pots in her hand.

Clay's brother followed her from behind, holding a few glasses with everyone's respective drinks. They all eventually took as seat and each piled up some food on their plates wordlessly.

The family all began eating harmoniously, no words exchanged. While his other siblings devoured their meals, Clay unintentionally ate a little slower. He kept thinking about the taunts from his sisters, why they were so fixated on this 'girlfriend' of his.

Why should it matter anyways? Why do they care? He thought to himself, stabbing his meatball a little harder. "Clay?" The blonde snapped out of his angry trance when the soft voice of his mother broke though.

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