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The air was static between Clay and George. It had been several minutes before they collapsed into each other, and they still remained in the same position. Clay did manage to walk over to his bed with George still in his arms and sit down- though.

George cried into Clay's chest, his entire body uncontrollably shivering. His throat let out unforgiving whimpers and sobs. Clay had rested his chin ontop of George's head and clasped his hands around his back in his best attempt to console the smaller man.

Clay rubbed tiny circles into George's back with his thumb, whispering tiny reassurements into his hair. This seemed to have gone by for hours until George's sobs became small hiccups and his tears subsided.

The blonde closed his eyes and kept his hands wrapped around a still-shivering George. He slowly let his own eyes sift shut, a wave of exhaustion rushing over him. He felt warm- content- in the position he was in.

"I'm- I'm sorry.." A hoarse voice croaked from under Clay, causing the blonde's eyes to flutter open. Clay pulled back from his previous hugging position to look down at George, his heart instantly breaking in two.

George was always noticeably physically smaller than Clay, but its was prevalent more now than ever, physically and mentally. His cheeks were doused with thick, wet tears- coating over his flushed face. His eyes were cloudy and unfocused, his long eyelashes still holding all of his unfallen tears.

"What are you sorry for?" Clay genuinely asked, his own voice sounding shaky. George took a moment to slightly detach himself from Clay's grasp so his words were more coherent. "S-snapping. Picking a- a fight." The brunette looked up to Clay sadly.

The blonde tsked, shakily reaching his arms to pull George close again. "Don't apologize for that, idiot." Clay swiped at wetness on his cheeks, unbeknownst when his own tears began falling. "I shouldn't have raised my voice.." Clay's voice trailed off, guilt slowly bubbling like bile in his throat.

"I shouldn't have said those things either.." Clay swallowed, using a thumb so swipe away at the warm tears under his eyes. "I was mad." The blonde paused, trying to form his thoughts into words. "N-not at you though- at Sapnap. I'm mad at Sapnap." Clay repeated, almost as if he was saying it out loud for himself.

George shook his head, now resting his cheek against Clay's chest. "I-I haven't been honest with you.. I'm sorry." George unintentionally hiccuped, tears involuntarily prickling his tearducts again.

"Honest?" Clay asked, his eyes falling on the shaking brunette in his lap. George nodded, letting go of the fabric of Clay's shirt. "We've been getting— closer, and I-" George paused, struggling with his words.

Clay continued to rub circles into George's back- as if telepathically telling him to relax. "-I haven't been truthful." Clay took in George's words, nodding slowly. "Would- would you like to talk about it?" Clay nervously asked, unsure of George's answer.

George slowly broke away from the blonde's arms and crawled over to an open space on top of Clay's bed. He crossed his legs and held his hands in his lap- his knee just a few inches away from the taller sitting next to him.

Clay watched George sit down and let out a large sigh, seemingly preparing himself for whatever he was about to say.

"Hi. I'm George. I'm from the UK and I transferred here to finish high school." George picked his head up and looked at Clay when a spoke, a sad smile pulling at his cheeks.

The blonde unintentionally furrowed his brows, confused on what George was doing. He opened his mouth to speak but the brunette continued. "But.. at first I really wanted to go home." George broke his stare, averting his eyes towards the window off to the side by Clay's desk.

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