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Clay's breath got caught in his throat and his head felt like it was spinning. Weights plowed down on his shoulders and his feet were seemingly glued to the ground. He felt as if he was frozen in time, staring at the scene ahead of him.

Sapnap had begun throwing slight jabs at the boy pinned against the locker instead of just verbally assaulting him. Each blow to George seemed to go in slow motion to Clay, the visible contact shooting intoxicating waves of agony into his brain.

Just like it was the few days before, Clay felt completely useless- like he was stuck in between parallels. One final punch to George's cheek and muffled loud-mouthed slur from Sapnap caused Clay's legs to move forward.

His legs began moving without command towards the scene, his brain still mentally stuck with standing still. Life only seemed to be going slower- as his strides towards the scene were hazy to the blonde.

Before he could realize what he was doing- Clay's hand was gripping Sapnap's arm tightly. Both Sapnap's and Punz's eyes shot towards the shaking blonde.

"Sapnap." Clay's voice slightly quivered using his friends nickname, but somehow remained firm. "..Let him go." The taller exhaled, keeping his grip on Sapnap's arm to make she he didn't pull away.

Out of the corner of Clay's eye, he saw George's head slightly pick up. A large silence hung between the group. Sapnap's eyes shot from George- over to Clay- then back again. He opened his mouth like he wanted to speak again, but rather used his arm to shove George off against the lockers- the brunette finally touching the floor again.

Clay kept his hand on Sapnap's arm, despite the ravenette signaling he wanted to be let go. George quickly look this as his cue to leave, picking up his discarded books on the floor. He hesitated for a moment before quickly slinking away from the trio and away from the hallway.

Clay let out a shakey sigh as he loosened his grip on Sapnap's arm and eventually let go. He slightly stepped backwards away from Sapnap and Punz.

"Why?" Clay's voice boomed through the silent hallway- breaking the stillness. "What's up with you?" The blonde continued, his voice becoming stronger. Sapnap shot a glance to Punz, the other dirty blonde nodding quickly in response and promptly made his way away from the duo- leaving them alone.

"Nothing's 'up with me', Clay." Sapnap huffed defensively, crossing his arms. The blonde scoffed. "Then why are you doing.. whatever that was?" Clay furrowed his brows and threw his hands up in expression.

"Why do you even care?" Sapnap hissed back. "It doesn't even involve you, just drop it." He snapped, turning away from the blonde and began walking past him.

Clay quickly extended his arm out and stopped his friend. "It does involve me, you're my friend." He retorted, his face contorting into a look of disgust. "Just because we're friends doesn't mean you should stick your head," Sapnap pointed a finger into Clay's chest. "-into my business."

"What I do on my own is my fucking business, Clay." The ravenette seethed. "Why are you even acting out like this? I thought you left the shit back in like, middle school!" Clay snapped back.

"My god, leave it alone Clay! You always try to stick your nose in my business, fucking drop it! I don't need to give you a god damn reason!" Sapnap fumed, his loud voice now booming through the hallway.

The bell rung immediately afterwards, signaling that their conversation had met its unexpected end already. Sapnap had taken this as his cue to leave, very slightly shoulder bumping Clay as he left the stunned blonde alone in the hallway.

Clay was seemingly frozen in place before he looked back to his friend- only to find out he was already lost in the crowd of swarming students. Every ounce of confidence that has flowed through his veins on confronting Sapnap had completely drained from him.

He bowed his head down and let out a long, shaky sigh. Clay stepped out from the hallway and he too made his way into the crowd- on his way to his next period.


Clay shielded his eyes from the bright sunlight as he stepped out from the school. The weather had shifted drastically the past few days, just earlier this week had they been experiencing thunderstorms and frigid temperatures. Today was rather sunny and warm for fall.

He quickly made his way down the steps of the building, stopping to sit on a worn bench just outside of the doors.

George and Clay had agreed to meet immediately after school go work on the project earlier that morning in their first period. George's house was the closest- and since Clay didn't drive today- they decided they would both walk to George's house together.

Clay watched as other students exited the building. He hasn't seen any of his friends or familiar faces walking out from the building life he normally would have.

Ever since his argument with Nick earlier that day, he hadn't seen anyone, let alone talk to them. He didn't have any shared classes with them, but usually saw them inbetween or at least after school. Did Nick tell them what happened already?

Clay's stomach slightly churned at the reminder of the fight he had with his best friend earlier. The two sometimes butted heads, but never fought like this before. Clay had went to go find Nick to apologize, not cause anymore tension. Should he have waited to talk to him?

A small hand grazed Clay's shoulder, snapping him out of his thoughts. A tiny grin came across Clay's cheeks. "Hey, George." Clay spoke, almost immediately rising to his feet. "You ready?" The blonde asked, George nodding in reply.

The two began walking off the school grounds, a comfortable silence coating the air between them. It was quiet between them until George spoke up about five minutes into their walk.

"Hey.. I wanted to uh- thank you, for earlier." Clay picked his head up, slightly squinting his eyes to make out George better in the sun. "For- for saving me from that guy Sapnap." The brunette slightly pronounced Sapnap's name wrong- causing Clay to let out a little chuckle.

He shrugged his shoulders. "It's no big deal." Clay blew off, sticking his hands in his jean pockets. It was quiet for a few moments.

"Really, though. If you weren't there he probably would have beaten me up pretty good." George quietly commented. "I've barely been at school for a week but he seems like an asshole with nothing better to do. I don't see how anyone would wanna be his friend."

Clay swallowed, chucking nervously. George doesn't know Nick and I are friends. Clay immediately thought to himself, slightly taking his lip between his teeth. "It's not a problem." He shrugged off again, hoping the brunette would drop the subject.

"If you- you don't mind me asking.." George paused- as if thinking about his words. "What were you doing back there? And you stayed after I left, did you talk to him?" Clay felt his heart hammering in his chest, as if he was being questioned by the police.

"Just right place right time I guess?" Clay recovered, slightly avoiding George's question. "And i just told him to lay off." He lied. George replied with a quick 'mhm', seemingly taking Clay's chalky answer.


written on: 5/5/21
published on: 6/4/21

1265 words

:sadge: :sadge: :sadge:


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