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"Come on, i'll literally drive. We can go anywhere!" Nick exclaimed, an arm around Clay's shoulders. Every atom of Clay's body wanted to pull away from the ravenette's grasp, but he remained still.

"I'm not sure, Sap. I have a test next period anyways and my parents would kill me if I missed it.." Karl explained, his eyes shifting between Nick and the floor.

Luke- who was standing next to Nick- scoffed. "It's one test man!" He exclaimed, the annoyance in his eyes evident. "What about you, Q? Surely you wouldn't mind dropping by McDonald's or something?"

Alex shifted uncomfortably on his feet, having the same initial hesitance as Karl. "I don't mind skipping with you guys but maybe not today. I'm not really feeling it, you know?" He complied, a forced half grin on his face.

"Oh come onnn," Nick complained- dragging out the 'o'. Nick turned to Clay with expectant eyes, tightening his arm around him. "Come on Clay, I know you wouldn't ditch us!" Even though he didn't show it physically, Clay was seething with rage.

To think on Friday night when they met and Nick opened up and apologized, bright and early Monday morning he was back at picking on George again. Nick didn't even know Clay was friends with George, and that was the worst part.

He was acting like everything was normal when it really wasn't.

"I uh— I might have to agree with Karl and Alex on this one, sorry. I skipped some of my next period yesterday and already got chewed out by the teacher pretty bad." Clay dipped his head, telling most of his truth.

This earned a groan from Nick. "You skipped yesterday? Why?" He asked, eyebrows furrowing with confusion. Clay just shrugged, averting his eyes. "Just wasn't feeling that good yesterday."

"Is that why you weren't at lunch yesterday?" Karl asked. "Yeah, sorry I didn't say anything." Clay blatantly lied through his teeth, hoping nobody would notice. There was a slight blip of silence where nobody spoke up again.

"Are you sure none of you guys wanna come? It's more fun when everyone is there." Luke began to pry, attempting at coaxing everyone one more time. "We all said no dude. Maybe later." Alex huffed, narrowing his eyes at the duo.

Clay took this as his chance to slip away from under Nick's arm, instead going to stand next to Karl and Alex. Luke and Nick looked between themselves, then back at the trio with defeated glares. "Whatever, see you losers later." Nick shrugged, turning around.

"You guys are really missing out. Don't be mad if we don't get you any food." Luke rolled his eyes, turning around and following Nick out the doors. Karl sighed, watching them leave.

"That sucked." Alex half-joked, managing to stifle a laugh. Karl and Clay did the same, both boys turning to face each other. "Between us, I don't even like McDonalds that much. Burger King is ten times better." Alex spoke up again, this time making everyone genuinely laugh.

"Hey, are either of you guys busy later tonight?" Karl piped up, crossing his arms. "It's been a while since it was just us, you know?" He continued. Alex seemed to think for a moment before nodding. "I should be free. Clay?"

The both turned to the blonde, Clay immediately feeling a pang of guilt in his chest. He had agreed last night to meet up with George to go out to eat, he couldn't cancel on him like that. He was the one who indicated the plans after all.

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