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The brunette playfully bumped the blonde's shoulder as they walked into the school library. "Earth to Clay?" He giggled, his eyes fixating on the drowsy blonde walking next to him. "Huh?" Clay groaned, snapping out of his daze.

"Did you even get any sleep last night? You look exhausted." George commented. Clay dismissively shook his head, shoving his hands in his jean pockets. "Nah, I'm fine- I just stayed up a bit later working on some homework."

George hummed with a slight nod, accepting Clay's answer without question. Unbeknownst to George though, Clay was lying right through his teeth. The blonde really stayed up the majority of the night glued to his phone, searching up the song George had played the previous night.

Clay had stayed up almost all night listening to the song on repeat. He chased after the euphoria the song had given him those few moments in the car with George. Even though the song was just introduced to him yesterday, Clay feels like it's been in the back of his mind for eons.

By now he must've memorized every lyric and roughly every note of the song, but he still would love nothing more but to listen to it again. The soft chimes from the song danced around his mind in his dazed state as he walked alongside the brunette.

"Do you wanna sit towards the back?" George asked, tearing Clay away from his thoughts. Clay jumped back into his conscious state of mind, realizing they were already near the computers. He quickly nodded before leading the way towards a spot near the back next to some windows.

Clay took his seat, placing his backpack on the floor next to him. George did the same- letting a deep sigh as he looked around the library around them. "It's quiet here." George murmured, turning towards his blonde companion.

Clay took a second to process what George just said, his eyebrows furrowing. "We're... in a library? Of course it's gonna be quiet?" The blonde started cracking up. "Oh my god, you're such an idiot!" George scoffed. "I mean like, theres not a lot of people!"

"Back at home the school library was almost like a hangout zone. It was like.. rare when it was empty like this." The brunette spoke, looking around at the empty library and empty seats around them. "Really?" Clay asked, holding in a yawn.

"Europeans are weird." Clay shrugged, turning his- and George's- monitor on. George's face dropped, completely unexpecting Clay's response. The brunette slapped his shoulder with an annoyed scoff- an amused smile still on his face.


The pair had managed to work wordlessly amongst themselves for roughly a half hour. With no disturbances or noise besides themselves, working in the quiet was to their advantage. That was, if Clay hadn't stayed up late last night.

The blonde found himself dozing off between typing in sentences. George occasionally has to bump is shoulder or tap his arm to keep him awake, the blonde apologizing profusely every time. Clay shifted his position and leaned on his arm, using one hand to type.

He managed to get a few sentences again before his eyes began to flutter shut. "Clay." George's voice caused the blonde to snap up again. Unlike the few times before, George's one soft and understanding tone was harsher and more annoyed.

The blonde sheepishly sat up, feeling more guilty now more than ever. "Sorry." He quietly commented, once again shifting his position to sit up more. Clay typed in a few more words before the brunette spoke up suddenly.

"Are you seriously even that tired?" He huffed, turning his body towards Clay. The blonde closed his eyes and shook his head. "I'm sorry, it's just really quiet in here." He quietly apologized, nervously biting his lip.

"Why would you stay up so late when you knew we were working after school today? No offense, but that's a little selfish- don't you think?" George snapped, his face churning into one of disgust.

Clay was utterly speechless at this point, his jaw going slack. "You always try and act all considerate and try and 'look out for me', but you're too blind to realize they you're the problem too." Clay's mouth opened like he wanted to talk, but nothing came out.

"I know about Sapnap. Nick. He's your best friend." George seethed, his eyes completely foreign and cold. "George, I-" Clay managed to sputter out before getting caught off by the brit.

"You're lying to me, Clay. Why would you do that? You like me, don't you?" George continued to nag, his eyes fixated on the stuttering blonde. "I'm.. G-George.." Clay choked out, his throat closing up before he could continue.

"Pathetic." George scoffed, standing up from his chair. Clay quickly stood as well, reaching out towards the brunette. George immediately recoiled, not letting Clay touch him. Without speaking, George turned away from the blonde and began walking away.

Without even thinking, Clay began to follow him. "George?" His voice broke as he called out George's name. He didn't even turn back, but continued to walk away from Clay. No matter how hard he ran or sprinted forwards, George only seemed to be getting farther away.

George exited the library and turned into a hallway, Clay still following. "George,, I'm s-sorry," Clay felt a familiar burning sensation in his throat. He reached out to grab his arm, but George yet again turned into another hallway.

The blonde whipped a round to follow, but the brunette was nowhere to be found. Clay violently turned around, stumbling about, looking for the brunette.

Clay swiped at the wetness that coated his cheeks with the back of his hand. "George!" He called out, his voice scratchy and broken. "Clay?" George's voice quietly reverberated throughout the halls, echoing through the empty atmosphere around him.

"George, please!" Clay screamed, a slight sob escaping from his throat. "I'm sorry! Come back!" He continued to plea, looking around for any sign of George. A steady melody erupted from above, and the beginning notes of Dream began to play.

Clay's breath caught in his throat as he desperately looked around for the source. "Clay?" George's voice echoed again. "George..! Where are you?" Clay called out, his throat now raw from screaming so much.

As if he was pushed over, both of Clay's knees gave out- sending him to fall onto the floor. The blonde looked around him, tears blurring his vision beyond belief. "Dream?" George's voice called out again.

Clay's eyes shot open as he quickly shot up, surprising the brunette next to him. Clay's breathing was fast and unsteady as he violently looked around him, recognizing the library.

"Woah.. are you alright?" George quietly asked, removing his hand from Clay's back. Clay's eyes landed on George and he nearly broke out in tears right then and there. "I—.." Clay began, his hands reaching out for the brit.

"Clay! George!" A voice erupted from behind them, booming throughout the once silent library. Clay looked over George's shoulder to see Karl, Darryl, Toby, Zak, Tommy, Jack, and Alex all walking together.

The blonde quickly swallowed back his unpleasant dream, turning his attention towards the incoming group- George doing the same. "Whatcha guys up to?" Alex erupted from the group.

Clay clicked his tongue. "We were working on our project. "Oh my god, again?" Alex groaned, leaning against the desk they were using. "Big C!" Tommy exclaimed from the group, stepping forward to rest an arm on Clay's head.

Clay quickly swatted him away. "What do you guys need?" Clay asked, furrowing his brows. Alex shrugged his shoulders, turning to the group. "We were gonna go to Tommy's but Karl said you were here." Clay narrowed his eyes and looked over to Karl.

"George! You haven't met Tommy yet, haven't you?"



2105 words

ayo? around 7 more chapters until his dream comes to a wrap?


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