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Clay instantly felt his blood go cold as the ravenette scowled in his direction. His face had been drained of all color when Luke had stepped from behind Nick, the dirty blonde holding a more confused expression in comparison to Nick.

"Clay? What are you doing here??" Nick loudly asked, stopping a few feet in front of him. Clay shifted the weight on his feet, attempting to form some sort of answer. Upon moving- though- the blonde exposed the previously hidden brunette behind him. "I- Nick-"

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Sapnap's voice boomed, dripping with venom. He stepped to the left of Clay, letting his eyes fall on a frozen George. "Why the fuck did you bring him here?" The ravenette bit, his scowl slowly becoming more threatening.

"Ni- Sap-" Clay sputtered, his mind racing a thousand miles a minute. Sapnap took another step towards Clay, his presence becoming slightly too close for comfort. "Why did you bring him here??" Sapnap repeated, using both of hands to slightly shove Clay back.

The shove sent the blonde to fall slightly into George, snapping him out of his shock. "Why does it matter?" Clay managed to find his voice, retaliating against the shorter. Sapnap scoffed, crossing his arms.

"This is our spot, Clay." He spat, Clay's name uneasily falling off is his tongue. "So? You brought Luke." The blonde retaliated, raising a hand to gesture over to him. "It's different." Sapnap rolled his eyes, dismissing him.

"So this is where you've been, huh?" The ravenette snarled without missing a beat, the newfound disgust in his voice catching Clay off guard. "What's that supposed to mean?" Clay furrowed his brows, beginning to feel agitated by the ravenette's aggression.

"Don't bullshit me, you know exactly what that means." Sapnap uncrossed his arms and poked a finger into Clay's chest, driving it forward. Clay quickly pushed his hand away from him, puffing his chest out. "I really don't. I recommend you leave."

Sapnap again rolled his eyes, a slightly amused grin on his face. "Really ditching me for the faggot, huh? I thought you were better than this dude." He shrugged. Clay's mouth dropped open, the anger inside him bubbling like never before.

"Don't you fucking call him that." Clay seethed, taking a step closer to Sapnap. The ravenette exhaled out of his nose, his amused grin growing even wider. "Wow, must've struck a nerve." He turned over his shoulder to Punz, the dirty blonde looking like a deer in headlights.

"Look, I don't know what you want from me, but I'm politely advising you to leave. I don't wanna fight, Nick." Clay's voice wavered, his voice slightly cracking as he said Sapnap's name. "What, so you can continue making out with your scrawny boyfriend? Ditch me for him again?"

This tipped the blonde over the edge, causing him to step forward to get in Sapnap's face. "Watch your fucking mouth." Clay forcefully advised, feeling both of his fists clench. "You've been sneaking off every damn day and completely ignoring me because you got blue balls for the twink."

"-And I've known you for how long? You're really putting this freak before me?" Sapnap finished, beginning to become less amused and more agitated as they continued to argue. "D-dream please.. let's just go." A timid voice came from behind Clay, the sudden nickname cutting him off from responding to Sapnap.

"Yeah. Listen to your weak faggot boyfriend Dream." Sapnap spat, shoving Clay back again- this time with more force. Clay completely lost control, Sapnap's last comment causing him to completely see red. Clay swung his fist forward, instantly feeling it collide with Sapnap's face.

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