final a/n+new story announcement

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I. thank you + writing process
II. possible sequel?
III. Q & A
IV. new story announcement
V. <3


hi! thank you so much for reading His Dream :) i went into writing it like completely blind but i'm so beyond happy to see it finished. in the beginning i was literally writing every chapter with zero plans and made so much up on the spot haha.

this story was a HUGE experimental to me and to be completely honest i wasn't even sure if i was going to finish it. His Dream was such a learning curve for me and really helped me develop my writing style! i'm really glad i got to share my learning experience with you all and get feedback from it too.

his dream actually started as two separate fics i had ideas for but eventually combined together :) the first idea was very similar to the story you know now, but dealt with a lot more angst and dream was gonna be a complete ass HAHAHA- it honestly wasn't a bad idea but it just lacked so many unanswerable details it never really made it that far.

the second one was so much more unique and i genuinely did some study on this idea and expanded on it a lot. it has the drama that was in his dream and i definitely got dream's personality from this idea. it pretty much took the whole project idea and expanded on it entirely. it also was generally supposed to be a mystery guitar boy x dumb asf blonde type trope and tbh i'm not even made about it :') it just was missing so much drive like the other idea i had filled in for.

even though they were both solid story ideas i'm pretty satisfied with what it came out to be. i have countless of ideas in my notes that made up both of them but i'm so happy i combined them, both stories lacked a serious spine LMFAO

originally i planned for his dream to be soft but extremely angsty (like literally i took that exact phrase from old notes lol). i'm genuinely surprised i wrote a lot more fluff than i planned but i'm genuinely proud of a lot of it. y'all aren't safe though there's gonna be much more angst in the future lol

i feel like my writing style changed a billion times during the nine month writing process (i hope it wasn't too noticeable LMAO), but luckily it was mostly for the better. i plan on continuing writing and hopefully i should better define a more thorough, solid style :)

i've honestly been planning a sequel ever since His Dream really started gaining traction and if you guys really want one i'd be happy to start writing :) i purposefully left a lot of details out about Sapnap in His Dream to leave more room for his story in the possible sequel!

instead of the sequel being another dreamnotfound story, i actually wanted to steer it towards karlnap instead. (controversial, i know 🙄) but i intentionally set up the story in the beginning for a possible karlnap route but just never touched base on it. i'm a huge sucker for karlnap and would love to write about them in the His Dream universe.

i guess the question really is, would you guys be interested in reading that type of story? it would of course include some DNF/dream+george but it would be extremely karlnap centric. let me know!!

i'm hoping to fill up this section to the best of my abilities but this one is mostly for you guys! i feel like i unintentionally left some bits of His Dream out of the story/in writing even though i have it all mapped out in my head. if you're curious about anything or notice any gaps in the story, please let me know!

like i literally have discernible notes about every single character in His Dream all the way from their personalities down to their texting style or the way they may speak. goodness please ask away, i would love to clarify anything and everything!!

Q: why did dream constantly switch between nick and sapnap when he talked about him?
A: this was actually kind of a gag i planned since the beginning :] without even really registering it throughout the story, he called nick/sapnap both names. he usually used nick when he talked about his best friend, the person he's known and trusted all of his life. he used sapnap when he was the asshole side of him, someone he (dream) didn't recognize.

Q: why did sapnap pick on george in the first place (specifically for the first time in the bathroom)?
A: really, just wrong place wrong time. sapnap always had an issue of bullying people throughout middle school/high school (for reasons that will likely be explained in the sequel ;] ) so it really wasn't personally against george until he found out who he really was- and then it only picked up from there.

Q: why was punz such a fluctuating character (like one minute he's laughing with sapnap about beating george up, but the next he feels guilty in the hospital)?
A: i didn't really focus too much on his character (in writing), but basically he changed a lot behind the scenes. in the beginning he was a lot like sapnap and found it funny when he beat people up. as the story progressed, he started to realize that sapnap had more malicious intent (targeted at george) than just scuffing him up every now and then. punz wanted to get away from that, but still felt bad for ditching sapnap knowing what he was going though (i believe it was mentioned that sapnap confined in punz and spoke to him about some sensitive information regarding how he felt about the whole situation). punz slowly started to gravitate towards dream/karl/quackity, especially in the lunch table chapter. and as for the fight, he was truly just scared of sapnap at that point. he never had heard him ever say such harsh words or give off that much anger- he was truly scared to find out what happened if he didn't do what he was told. truthfully punz didn't purposefully rough up george that much, george is just a bit more frail lol. at the end where punz explains himself, we he being completely truthful and regrets just being a bystander.



FINALLY I CAN ANNOUNCE THIS!! i've literally been working on this story just as long as i've been working on His Dream and i'm so beyond happy to finally announce it. my next story is called..


Crybaby is a karlnap story (based on one of my favorite song by the neightbourhood) and focuses on the relationship between two complete strangers both with an eye out for the arts. this story is quite a shift from His Dream, Crybaby taking on a more angsty and lustful side of storytelling. Much like His Dream, Crybaby is going to be a huge experimental piece for me.

this new story will contain less fluff and 'aww' worthy moments. if you're interested, the beginning a/n will be up soon! i'm so so excited to continue writing it and start posting some of the chapters! looking at my schedule i'll probably be posting a chapter every saturday? or at least just once a week for now.

now for the sappy part >:) if you've read this far i genuinely thank you. this story has gotten me through some pretty difficult times and some of the support i've gotten from readers is insane. some of y'all are the sweetest human beings on the planet i swear :')

His Dream definitely needs some work still haha, but it'll always hold a special pace in my heart. thank you to all of my friends who supported me and especially, some of you readers who kept up with it since it's early chapters! there's a few names i still recognize that i've seen since i started writing chapters in single digits.
but i think that's a wrap! love you all endlessly.

thank you for reading His Dream.
final word count: 42,307

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