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It had been a full day of resting before Clay managed to stand and walk around on his own. It was now Sunday evening, a whole day and a half since the fight. Luke had left Clay to rest after talking the previous day, the blonde not hearing from him since.

Clay's mother was contacted when he was omitted into the hospital and was practically attached to him ever since. She came and visited every few hours, keeping him company in the bland and boring hospital room.

But right now outside visiting hours were over- and Clay was alone. In the time he was left alone to his own devices, his mind was completely fixated on the other two recovering boys in the rooms next to his own.

He hadn't heard from them personally- and even when he asked- he never got a straight answer. His mind continuously played tricks on him throughout the day, causing him to think of the absolute worst. The curiosity and genuine worry was starting to become too much for him.

Even though it was advised Clay rested majority of the day, he couldn't help himself. He threw his legs over the side of the cot, using his shaky arms to hoist himself up. The blonde slowly made his way towards the door, cautious to not injure himself further.

He peered out into the hallway and took a few steps forward, shutting his door behind him. He stopped for a moment to breathe in, thankful to get a new breath of fresh air. The stuffy air of his room was starting to feel a bit claustrophobic.

Clay's eyes darted between doors, his mind completely drawing a blank. Luke had mentioned that someone was across from him, and another was beside him. He brought a hand up to his forehead, pinching the bridge of his nose.

The more he tried to think about it, the more his brain hurt. Clay quickly made his decision by pushing off from his doorframe, walking towards the one across from his own. He rested his palm on the door handle, completely unsure of what to say to whoever is on the other side.

Clay felt like he had so much to say after being pent up for so many days, but his mind was completely blank. He took another deep breath and tightened his grip around the doorknob, using all of his strength to push it open.

The room he was presented with was almost the exact same as his own, but instead this one had a large window. The window let the sunset completely shine through, illuminating the figure laying on the cot.

"Nick.." Clay breathed out, unaware he was holding his breath. Nick's head snapped towards Clay, his eyes cold and glossy. Clay slowly closed the door behind him, still under the ravenette's burning gaze.

The taller slowly began to hobble his way over to Nick's cot, the other completely unmoving. He reached out his hand to rest on the sheets- walking closer- and then lowering himself down to sit.

Clay expecting him to protest or tell him to move, but nothing came out of mouth. No snarky comment or crude remark- just utter silence. "Hows your nose?" The blonde spoke up, his voice still slightly hoarse.

" 's fine." Nick mumbled back, the bandages around his broken nose making his speech slightly slurred. Clay nodded, subtlety checking Nick for any other noticeable blemishes. He noticed a few bandages around his left hand- even more on his other- and a few bruises here and there.

"Hows your head?" The ravenette asked, slightly startling Clay. 'Luke must've talked to Nick too,' Clay thought to himself. He managed to only break two of his knuckles and was left with a slight concussion, minus all the other smaller injures he has endured.

Clay breathed out a chuckle through his nose, raising a hand to rub the back of his head. "It's better." He confirmed, averting his gaze from Nick. "It's minor, not that bad." Clay messed with his hands on his lap- unsure of where else to rest them.

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