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The truth is that I did not take much importance to what Draco had asked me. Something was wrong. Why would he want to be my friend? Me, Lexie Stark, Muggle-born, or how he liked to insult us, Mudblood.
But, I was surprised that the next day he greeted me in the great hall while we had breakfast. Dare I say with a ... kind smile?
Definitetly, something was wrong. It had to be some evil plan of those that he does. I wouldn't be surprised if it was all a plan to find out about Harry, or even any of my friends, and then be able to attack us with it.

Anyway, I prefered to risk it, maybe it wasn't a plan. Although I still did not understand why of all the girls in Howgarts, Slytherin more specifically, he did not make friends with any of them. For example, you could tell a lot that Pansy Parkinson longed for Draco to fall in love with her. Or at least, to pay more attention to her. He only uses her like Crabbe and Goyle. But the poor girl is so stupid, that as long as she was near him, she did what Malfoy asked.To be honest, I didn't think Malfoy was capable of loving someone, not really.  Or maybe yes. I don't know. You never know what to expect from him.

"Hey little Stark" said Fred. I smiled to him. He usually called me like that. I think it was because I was smaller than him. In both age and height.                                                                                                        "Hey carrot, how's everything?" I called him like that because of his hair.  The fact was that I only had a nickname for Fred, not for George.
"I wanted to ask you something" He added. He looked a bit nervous. It was strange, Fred Weasley nervous? It must be something important.
"Sure, what is it?" I asked smiling
"You know there is going to be a snowball, right?" he started. I nodded.
"I was wondering if you wanted to come... with me?" at first it shocked me a bit.
"Well, if you don't want, nothing happens, you know?" He said nervously. I smiled and hugged him.
"Of course I want!" I said happily. He hugged me back and kissed my head. I didn't knew what that meant, but it made me a little nervous and I started to feel a tingle in my stomach.

When we stopped hugging, there was a moment of silence where we just kept eye contact. And before I could know it, we were kissing. It was a long, slow but sweet kiss. Like we've been waiting for that moment for a long time. When we finally finished, I blushed a lot, and he giggled when he saw me red as a tomato.
"Who is the carrot now?" He laughed. I blushed even more.
"oh, shut up" I said punching him softly in his arm.
"It is still you, duh" I said laughing.
"I love you" he told me suddenly. I stopped laughing and looked at him. He had a serious face, waiting for my answer.
"I love you too" I finally said with a smile.
"Then, I think it is time for you two to start dating, don't you think so?" I had almost forgotten that we were still in the great hall, with all the students there. I looked around, everyone was looking to us. I blushed.
"Shut up George!" Fred shouted. Then, he looked me back.
"Lexie Jane Stark, would you like to be my girlfriend?" I opened a lot my eyes.
"Of course! Yes! Yes I do!" And I ran to kiss him again.
"What does all this mean?" Said an annoying voice. It was Umbridge the pink smurf.  I had decided to call her better like that, she was so small... and also a bit fat, so she looked even shorter.
"You know it isn't allowed to kiss anyone" she said with that repellent voice that she had.
"Oh, sorry." I said. Fred just rolled his eyes.
"You will be punished." She added with a smile.
"Oh come on! It was just a kiss!" Fred shouted.
"So?" She said.
"And, obviusly, you won't be togather during the punishment. You know, right?" She said very proud. We didn't said anything. I made a disgusted face.
"Alright, this night. You will go with Pansy to clean the potions class." Said to Fred.
"And you will go with Draco to clean the divination one. You will help the cleaner with that rooms. I am very sure she will be very happy to have less job." She added looking at me.
"We can do it without annyone revising us." I replied.
"I don't trust you. They will revise you." She said with a big smile. When she turned back I stuck out my tongue, mad at her. Fred and my friends laughed because of my action.
How much I hated her!
Just in that moment the mail arrived. An owl left me somethig.
It was packed. Whe I opened it, I found a very beautiful headband orange. It had a note.

My dear Lexie,
I hope you are doing great. I'm sure you are a very good student. Your father and I had been in Spain again this week. We found this and it remembered us to you, so we bought it. I think it will look great in your black hair. Also, it have the color of your house, right?
Take care my honey,
Kisses and hugs.

It was lovely. I loved it and I put it on as soon as I finished reading.

"You look perfect. I wish I had your hair" Hermione said. I smiled.
"Thank you! But your hair is beautiful! Just like you." I told her.  She smiled me back.

I was finishing my breakfast, when I started noticing that someone was watching me. I looked around, and it was him.
Draco Malfoy was looking to me, with a sad expression. I didn't knew how to interpretate that. Maybe he didn't wanted to have to be with me that night in the divination class.
"Is everything right?" Fred asked me noticing I was looking to Slytherin's table.
"Yes, everything is fine" I smiled to him. He kissed my cheek.
But Malfoy was still looking to me...

The girl who loved; Draco and FredWhere stories live. Discover now