Twenty one

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"What the-" I couldn't finish talking. Harry told me to shut up.
I was going to ask why, but I saw it before I could.

"What brings you here, Draco?" Dumbledore asked, too much calm.
"You are no assasin, Draco." Dumbledore said.
"And how do you know what I am!?" Draco replied shouting.
"I just know, Draco. If you were, you would have killed me in the first moment you saw me this year.
"He trusted me! I was choosen!" Draco replied. He lifted his arm sleeve, where was the dark mark.
"Expelliarmus!" Draco shouted, throwing Dumbledore's wand away.

Suddenly, a door sound.
"There are others" Dumbledore whispered.
"How?" He asked him.
"The vanishing cabinet in the Room of Requirements. I have repaired it." The boy explained.
"Let me guess, it has a sister, a twin" The director said.
"In Borgin and burkes" Draco added.
"How ingenious" Dumbledore whispered.
"Draco, years ago, I inew a boy who made all the wrong choices." He started saying.
"Please, let me help you" Dumbledre added.
"I don't want your help!" Draco shouted. He was crying. I could notice it in his broken voice.
"Don't you understand?!" I felt my eyes get full of tears, but I tried not to let them go out.
"I have to do this! I have to kill you!" He added. His voice reflected the fear and anguish he had. I couldn't kept them more and I felt the tears running down my face.
"Or he is gonna kill me" he whispered.
There was a moment of silence. If he killed him, anything was going to be the same.
He would have to leave, of course. Also, both the wizarding world and muggle world was going to be in danger.
Also he was going to be a hated person. One of the most ones. And probably, someone would kill him. If Harry didn't do it before, of course.
Many thing passed through my mind in that moment. It had finally arrived the time. He had to kill Dumbledore. If not, he was going to be killed. And again, he was just a boy with no choice.  
I wanted him not to killed Dumbledore. I didn't wanted him to be an assasin.  But, in the end of me, I wished he did, because if not, he was going to end dead.

And suddenly, the deatheaters entered the room. Shit, I thought. Now he had no choice.
Bellatrix looked to Draco, and saw how his nephew was pointing with his wand to Dumbledore.
"Well done, Draco" she whispered in Draco's ear.
Snape also appeared. He told us not to move nor make a sound. He went up to the upper part where everything was passing.

"Kill him, Draco, come on" Bellatrix insisted smiling. She really looked like the crazy person she was.
Draco didn't react. He was just looking to Dumbledore. Sad and scared. It was a horrible thing to see.

"come on" Bellatrix said again. I notice how Draco was starting to get nervous. He looked like if he was going to shout and jump through the window. Like if he was going to kill himself.

"Severus" Bellatrix whispered when she saw him. He said nothing. It was all in silence.

Snape took his wand and pointed to dumbledore. Draco instead put his arm down again. He was reilieved for not having to kill anyone.

"Severus, please" Dumbledore begged. And without thinking, Snape killed him. We all saw how dumbledore was falling through the tower.

The deatheaters threw the dark mark to the sky, and left the placce laughing. All except Draco. He ws not having fun. He was suffering.

When they left, Harry and I ran to the upper part of the room. We saw Dumbledore's dead body there, lying in the ground. It was so horrible, that I started crying. I saw Harry, and I thought it was time to forgive him. I hugged him. He hugged me back.

We went to the garden, where everyone was there, watching the scene. Crying. We all raised our wands. It was such a sad moment.

Meanwhile, the deatheaters were having laugh destroying Howgarts. Breaking the windows, everything.

"WHY?!!!" Harry shouted while running after the deatheaters. They were running away. Draco stared scared at him. He knew what Harry wanted. Revenge.

"Go away, Draco. Run" Snape told him. Draco stared at me. We kept there staring at each other for a few seconds.
"it is okay" I said without talking. He read my lips and looked to me one last time. Then he started running.

"You have killed him! You triator!" Harry shouted to Snape. He tried to throw a spell to him, but it didn't hurted him because Snape dodged it.

Instead, Snape's spell did hurted Harry. He felt to the floor. And then, they scaped.

Bellatrix had bruned Hagrid's cottage. We didn't see them anymore. They had disappeared in the forest.

I started thinking I was not going to see Draco anymore. That that wa our goodbye. We were on different teams. It was all over. Our friendhip, and our love. It was not going to happen. Not now that Voldemort was going to make the second wizarding war happen. And obviusly, many people was going to die. Who says I was going to survive? Who says he was?

All I just wanted in that moment, was that everything would end well. That both of us and all the people I cared about survive. And, one day, when the war was over, we could meet again.

The girl who loved; Draco and FredWhere stories live. Discover now