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September finally arrived. I was waiting in the platform 9 and ¾, watching a lot of new people there.
I saw Draco.
He was wearing as always black clothes, and he was much taller, and also much handsome. I won't lie, he was handsome before, but he had passed through another glow up. He stared at me, but I looked to another place quickly before our eyes met.
I was still mad at him, but he looked sad. Well, not sad, more like, scary?
I felt like I had to get closer and ask him what happened. The truth is that I felt a bit bad for him, his face was asking for help. But, help for what? What could have happened to him?
I sighed and decided not to mind for him. By the way, it was his fault the expelled of the twins. His and Pansy's.
I suddenly remembered the kiss between Pansy and him. I don't know why it put me sad for a few minutes.
Suddenly Draco's family appeared in the platform and went to talk to him. I didn't heard what they were saying, but Draco's expression hardened. Curiosity got the better of me, so I sneaked up on.
"Don't fail. You know what will happen if you do." Mr. Malfoy was  saying to his son. Fail? In what?
"Please, be carefull." His mother begged. Don't fail and be carefull? Why? I wanted to ask what was going on, but I prefered not to do it. I stayed there, listening without them noticing it.
"I will do it. I am sure, I can do this." Draco assured. A big smile appeared in Lucius face. Not in Narcissa's.
"That's the attitud, make us proud. Make him proud." The more I was hearing, the less I was understanding.
"Hey Lex!" Someone shouted in my back. It was Hermione. I stoped listening to the conversation, and went to see my friend.
"Hey Mione, how's everything?" I said while hugging her.
"Everything is alright! It is great to have Dumbledore again as Director, you will see how better it is." Hermione said. I prefered not to tell anyone about what I had heard.

"Oh I can't wait! I am sure it will be better thatn last year. It is so grat to don't have to see Umbridge again..."  I giggled.

"It is great to be a student of sixth grade! We will have extra free time!" Ron shouted while he was walking to where we were. I smiled when I saw him.
"Hey Ron, how are you?" I asked. I saw the way Hermione was looking to Ron. It was obvius that seh was in love with him. I can't belive that Ron hasn't realized yet.

We arrived were arrived at Howgarts, but we hadn't seen Harry, so I decided to go to search him in the wagons. Everyone was out, but I went to find him.
"I will go later, Harry must be in a wagon, we saw him before" I said. They nodded and followed the rest of students. I saw Luna there too, so I decided to go with her.

"Hey Lexie" she said with that sweet smile. She was wearing a very flashy and strange glasses.
"hi Luna, what are you doing here?" I asked.
"It's nothing, I don't want to bore you. And you?" She asked smiling. She was a very sweet girl, I didn't undertand why everyone said she was crazy.
"Oh, it won't bore me. I was looking for Harry. We saw him before, but he has suddenly disappeared." I explained. The girl smiled to me again.
"Well, lets search him togather" She finally said.

We started looking through all teh wagons, but he hadn't appeared yet. There was just one left, he must be there. I looked to the window.
"What happen?" Luna asked.
"Oh, nothing, I just, I thought I have seen someone through the window. It is an animal for sure." but I knew it wasn't an animal. IT was a boy, dressed in black. Malfoy.
"Harry!" Luna shouted. I looked confused. The wagon was empty. I was going to say something, but I prefered to shut up and wait. She started walking to one point of the wagon very sure about where she was going. She crouched down and pretended to lift something off the floor. Suddenly, Harry's body appeared. He was paralized. 

I run to cancel the spell, and he could move again. In his face he had a bit of blood in his lip.

"What had happened!" I shouted worried. He stood up.
"Malfoy, he is up to something, and he realized I was spying on him." He explained. So I was right, I had seen him through the window.
"How had you seen me? I was wearing the invisibility cloak" Harry asked confused. Luna pointed her glasses.
"They can see invisible things." She explained.

We got out of the train, and went to the castle. When we arrived, everyone was having dinner.

"Harry!" Hermione shouted when we appeared in the great hall. I saw how Ron left his piece of chicken in his plate.
"Harry dude! Where were you!?" He asked. We sat down in our places. Harry explained to them what had happened.

I saw Draco walking through the corridors. He seemed to be in haste.
"Malfoy!" I shouted stoping him. He was surprised wehn he saw it was me who had called him.
"Oh, you talk to me now?" He asked with rancor. I frowned sighly.
"I know you are up to something. I also know what you have done to Harry. It would be great if your leave us alone." I said mad at him. He stared at me, with that penetrating look. He didn't said anything and turned his back to me.
"Oh, and now you are the one that avoids me." I gave a short wry laugh.
"So? You have been doing it for like, eight months? I don't know, I haven't counted them." he replied.
"Well, yes, I have done it. But I had reassons. Fred and George were expelled because of you and your girlfriend." He stared at me confused.
"I don't have any grilfriend. By the way, I have never had." He said. I laughe ironically again.
"Come on, I saw you last year kissing Pansy. That made me see you have never loved me. I saw it was just a trick. You played with me." I don't know why I felt bad when I said that. It was like if still loved him.
"Don't talk about the things that you don't know, Lexie." He answered dryly.
"Don't tell you hadn't kissed her, because I saw you." I said mad.
"I don't talk about that. I am talking about my feelings for you." When I heard that, it shocked me.
"So, now you are saying that you loved me, don't you?" I asked with irony. I don't know why, but I wanted it to be true. But my mind didn't think like that. It didn't wanted to belive him.
"No. I am saying that I still love you."

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