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I arrived in the Diagon, there he was, next to Ollivander's.
"Hi!" I said happily. A big smile appeared in his face.
"Hey, how are you?" He asked. He was wearing black clothes, as always.
"I am great, what about you?" He looked handsome, I won't lie.
"Me too, it is great to see you" he said. I smiled and huged him. He schocked a bit, but he returned it
We had a very good time, we went to a muggle restaurant, and although he said it wasn't that mich the muggle world, I know he thinks it is fantastic and cool.

Some days later Fred came to get me and carry me to his house. I know my parents don't like me to be dating a boy who has two years more than me, but I didn't really minded.
We passed great days in the Weasley's house, it was so amazong to spent three days with my friends. It was like being in howgarts, but without any class.

"I don't like cats" Fred told me the last night. I looked strange to him.
"Why?" We were outside the house, sitting down in the grass next to a tree.
"I don't know, they are like, so horrible! I mean, they scratch you for no reason" he protested and I laughed because of what he said.
"I don't think so, they just attack when they feel in damage, Fred." I contradicted him. He frowned and opened his mouth again.
"I am sure they just do it for no reason. When I was smaller, one cat scratched me. I was just walking by, and it attacked me. I was seven years." He explained. That was funny, and I tried not to, but I laughed.
"It is not funny!" He replied.
"Sorry, sorry" I said between giggles. He smiled and started laughing too.
"Well, in that case, we will have a dog. Or two? Better two, they are lovely." I said. He kissed my cheek.
"That sounds great. And we will have a lot of children." He added.
"No! I don't want to suffer many times! With just one or two, we have enough. We don't need many sons and daughters." I replied. The Weasley's were famous because of their tradition to have many sons and daughters.
"Alright, alright" he laughed.

We arrived at howgarts again, the decoration was still there, although the professors were removing it.
I was happy to come back until I saw Umbridge the pink smurf. She was still horrible, small and so stupid. I really hated her. I didn't understand why she was the director. Where was Dumbledore?
Classes started again. They were still boaring and pathetic. Nothing that they were teaching us was going to help is in the future. At least Harry was still teaching us in secret.

"Come on, don't go today to where ever you have to go, help me with this Lexie" Draco was begging me. I had that afternoon a reunion of the Dumbledore's army, but Draco needed help with something I was good at.
"Alright, I will stay..." I said. I thought that if I didn't go just one day, nothing will happened.
"Thank you! I am really greatfull, you know we have the TIMO's soon" he added. It was true, there were only two days left for them. It was so stressful. That exam was the most important one of our whole lifes, it would define our future.
I started explaining him the lesson. He seemed to understand it, and we finished soon. I look to the hour and I saw I could still go to the meeting.
"Well, I have to go, see you later!" I was saying when he stoped me.
"Wait, why? I feel like you don't want to be with me. Why?" He asked a bit annoyed. I felt bad for him.
"It isn't that" I replied.
"Then stay with me a bit, lets talk or something" he proposed. I thought it wouldn't happened anything, so I sat down again.
"Alright, what do you want to talk about, Draco" I asked. He scratched his arm and started talking.
"Well, I wanted to tell you, thanks. Thanks for being such a good friend. My only real friend. It means a lot for me, and I am cery greatfull. You are an amazing person, and I have a lot of fun with you. I really apreciate pur friendship, and also you" when he finished saying that, he blushed. I was surprised. Draco was the one who had said that? No way.
"I apretiate you too. You are a good friend. You should be with everyone like you are with me." I suggested. Draco was a horrible person with everyone, except with me. And, I thought I knew the reason. It was hard for him to see me with another person. When you love someone, and that person is with another one, you feel like the whole world is against you. I know that feeling. The year before, in the Beuxbatons, I had felt in love with a guy, named Michel. He was really handsome, but he passed me. One day Michel started dating a girl named Heather. I felt really bad. I thought I was nothing compared to her. But then I understood that if he didn't love me, he didn't deserve me.
"I am sorry" he said suddenly. I looked confused. He had apologize for no reason.
"What? Sorry for what?" I asked still confused. He stood up, and kissed. He kissed me in my mouth. At first I was shocked. I didn't knew how to react. But then, I respond to his kiss, and cotinue kissing him. His lips were soft and tasted like mint. I knew that was not correct, that I shouldn't have done it, but I just ignored it and kissed him.

The girl who loved; Draco and FredWhere stories live. Discover now