Twenty nine

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"What have you done!! You have killed him!" I shouted while I was crying. Draco was there, with his wand in his hand.
George was next to the body of Fred, crying, without accepting he was dead. He touched his face.
"Come on Fred, wake up! Wake up!!!" He shouted. He hugged his brother, crying.
I ran to where Fred's dead body was and I hugged him.
I put both my hands in my ex boyfriend's cheeks and denied with my head.
"No Fred, please. Please wake up! You are not dead, you are alive! Wake up, tell me this is a joke!" My voice was broken. 
I pressed my lips together in anguish, crying as if it was the only thing I could do. The world had just fallen apart. One of the people I loved had just killed another I loved too.

"Lexie" Draco whispered. I stared at him, with hate.
"WHY HAVE YOU DO THAT!" I shouted to him. He was there, stood up without moving.
"Lexie please..." I didn't let him finish.
"NO!!! Leave! I don't want to see you anymore! You have his killed Fred! What did you thought? That I wouldn't never know it was you? I HATE YOU" I interrupted him.
I could hardly see. My eyes were full of tears and my vision was blurring because of them.
He didn't moved, so I took my wand and pointed to him.
"Leave. NOW" I said stopping crying. He stared at me, starting crying too.
"Please Lexie" he said. I denied.
"Now!" I shouted again.  And then, he looked to me one last time, and left.

I hugged Fred again. I kissed his front.
"I love you, I am so sorry for what I had done to you" I whispered.
George and I hugged.
"He would not have wanted us to cry for him. He would like that when we think of him, we smile, not cry" George whispered to me.
He was crying too. He was his brother, his twin, and his best friend.
I was bad and broken, but I couldn't imagine how George was feeling.

It was next day morning when Harry and the rest returned to Hogwarts.
All the people who had died where in the Great Hall. We were all crying for those who had left us.
I was next to Fred's body, with his family.
Many people had died.
Draco was not there. I was still mad at him. He had killed Fred.

"Fred!" Ron shouted when he entered the great hall. He ran to where Fred's body was. He started crying. I hugged him.
"I am so sorry. I am so sorry for not being with him, for not protecting him" I told him, starting crying again.
"It is not your fault, Lexie. He has left us. Nothing can change that" He told me, crying too.
He kissed my front.

I hadn't told anyone that Draco was the one who had killed Fred. I didn't knew why, but I just didn't.
I still cared about him.

"He has died, and I was not there to tell him that I loved him" I whispered. George was sat down next to me in the stone stairs.
"It is okay Lexie. He just wished you to be okay" he replied to me.
I rested my head on his shoulder.
"Lexie, he hadn't killed him" he told me. I looked to him, confused.
"But I heard him. I heard his voice saying the spell" I replied.
"Yes, but he didn't killed him. Not exactly" he told me.
"A Death Eater had sent him an Sectuspemra. Fred was going to suffer a painful death. The only person who knew the cure for that spell, was Snape" he made a pause. I felt the tears again.
"Draco just accelerated his death, so that he wouldn't suffer" he added.
I didn't knew what to say.
"You were right Lexie. You have been always right. Draco is not a bad person. He just have no choice"

"Harry!" Hermione shouted. The boy was coming down the stairs. He seemed worried, afraid.
"Where are you going?" Ron asked. Harry looked to all of us.
"I have to go with Voldemort" he said. We didn't need anything else to understand the situation.
"I think I have known it since some time ago. But now I am sure" he added.

Snape was dead, and before he died, he told Harry to collect his tears.
Then, they returned to Howgarts, and Harry saw the memories of Snape that he wanted him to know.
Harry was the last Horocrux.
"Once I am dead, only he will remain" he told us.
We stared at him, with teary eyes.
Hermione hugged him, and then, he left.

It was just some hours later when Voldemort came to Hogwarts,  with all the Death Eaters.
We all got ready for the last part of the war.
We stayed there, looking how they were getting closer and closer.
I saw Draco just some meters away from me. He was in our team. He was going to fight with us.
We were all broken, sad. We had lost too many people. We wanted to make their deaths not in vain.

Hagrid was with them too. Bound with chains, and with someone in his arms.

"Who is Hagrid carryng?" Ginny asked, worried and getting nervous.
"Who is him?" She insisted.  They arrived to where we were.

"Harry Potter, is dead!" Voldemort shouted.
"NO!!!" Ginny's shout was so devastating. All the Death Eaters laughed.
And although Hermione, George, Ron and I knew he was going to die, it hurted. It hurted because we had the hope that it did not fuse like that.
But we were wrong.

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