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I had packed everything. I was going home for christmas, I was excited to see my parents and tell them everything. I was a bit nervous because I had to tell them about my relationship with Fred. 
"We can meet. I am sure you could come some days to my house. My mom will be happy to meet you. By the way, Harry and Hermione are going to come the last three days of this winter holidays. Come you too. We will have fun" Fred was telling me while I went down the stairs with my luggage.
"I have to ask my parents first, I promisse to send you a letter to tell you if I can. Thanks" I answered smiling. He gave me a kiss in my face.
"I will wait for it!" He said.

I went to the great hall to say goodbye to Luna. She was going to stay in Howgarts.
I was going to get out of it, when someone stopped me.
"Hey Lex" it was Draco. I smiled.
"Hi Draco, how are you? Are you going home?" I asked. He smiled me back.
"Everything is fine, what about you? Yes, I am going to go with my family. I don't really want, but I have to. I want to see my mother." He said.
"Everything is fine too. Oh, I see. Well, it will only be two weeks. It will pass fast for sure" I said. He nodded.
"Yeah, that's true. You have any plan for hollidays? I was thinking  we could meet one day, or something." He said shily. 
"Oh yeah sure! But it will have to be before the three last days" I said. But then I remembered something.
"But your parent will allow you? I mean, I am a mudblood." I added.
"They don't have to know. Okey, it will be before the three last days. May I ask why?" He said smiling.
"Fred had asked me if I want to go to his house that days." I said. His  smile faded, but he tried to force one.
"Oh, yeah, Fred. It's okay. I will write you." He said. I nodded.
"Well, I have to go... I will be waiting your letter" I said smiling.
"Yes, bye" And then I got out of the great hall.
I felt bad for him. I shouldn't have told him about my plans with Fred. I should have known he was going to feel bad.

I was in the train, sat next to Fred and Hermione. In the wagon we were just The twins, Herms, Ron and Harry.
"It will be great if you are allowed to come." Hermione said.
"Yes, I am sure they will let me. I am a bit worried to tell them about my relationship with Fred" I told them.
"Well, just tell them. I think you make a beautiful couple" Harry said.
"Of course we do!" Fred shouted smiling. I giggled and huged him.
"By the way, the night of the snowball... You two disappeared and never come back to the dance. Where were you?" Ron asked. I blushed.
"Isn't it obvius? They were in the rooms, doing their things." George said laughing. I blushed even more.
"Shut up George. Don't talk about things you don't know." Fred protested. He was red too.
"Oh come on! Deny me that it was not that" George said smiling mischievous.
We blused more.
"Well, what are you going to do this Holidays?" I asked trying to change the theme of conversation.
"I am going to go with my parents to Italy. Just for one week, but it will be great" Hermione answered.
"That is cool, I am going to be with my brothers and sister in my house. Nothing special" Ron said.
"I have to stay with the Dursley." Harry answered.
"Well, it will only be one week and four days... you can go with it" I said trying to encourage him.

We arrived at King's cross station. We said goodbye to each others and I searched for my parents car.
"Mom! Dad!" I shouted when I saw them waiting outside the platform 9 and ¾.
"Lexie!" They shouted and huged me.
"How are you my honey! We have missed you a lot!" My mom said.
"Oh look how pretty you look!" My dad added. I smiled.
"I am wearing your pressent" I said touching the diadem.
"I have seen, it looks great on you!" She said. They gave a lot of kisses in my face.

We arrived home. It felt good to be there again. I missed it a bit.
I went to my room and left there my stuff.
"Mom, dad, I have to tell you something" I started playing eith my dinner. They looked to me smiling.
"Yeah, what is it?" My dad asked.
"I... I have a boyfriend..." I started. They shocked a bit.
"Well, who is him?" They asked.
"His name is Fred Weasley, he is a bit older than me, but he is a very good guy, I promisse" I said fastly.
"Oh... I want to meet him." My mother said. I nodded. It was my oportunity.
"You will know him in just some days if you allow me to go to his house the last three days of vacation" I said smiling, hoping they accepted.
"But, is going to be someone else, right?" My dad asked.
"Yes! He have like, six brothers and sister, and, Harry and Hermione are going to go too!" I said.
"Well, in that case, you can go, yes" they said. I smiled a lot.
"Thanks!!!" And I ran up to my bedroom to write a letter to Fred.
Two days later, I recieved Draco's letter. He wanted to meet me that afternoon in the Diagon Alley 
"Who is him?" My father asked.
"He is just a good friend of my year, nothing special" I said.
"If you say so..." my mother replied.
"Can I go?" I asked. They looked to each other for a few seconds.
"Yeah, sure" I smiled and huged them.
"Thank you!" I was very happy, but, why? It was a bit strange. I felt more happy when they told me I could meet Draco than when they allowed me to stay in Fred's hous the last three days.
What if I was falling in love with Draco? What if I loved both of them?

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