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"Harry, please, let's go back to the party" I begged. I couldn't continue hearing it. I couldn't.
"Please" I asked again. He stared at me and nodded.
Everyone in the party was happy, habing fun and eating and drinking. But I couldn't stop thinking about what I had heard. Now everything was explained. That was the reason why Draco's father was in Azkaban since some weeks. They were Deatheaters.
That was what Draco was planning, he was trying to kill our director.

The winter Holidays finally arrived. We went to the Weasley's house. We were going to pass the holidays there.
Ginny was trying to spend time with Haery, but everytime they were alone, Ron interrumped.
Hermione was still mad at Ron, and Ron was tired of Lavender.
"She just want to kiss me!" He had protested in the wagon.
And while all of them were thinking about that, I was still thinking about Draco's plan.
"Little Stark!" Fred shouted. I looked to him and smiled.
"Hey Fred, good morning" I huged him. I was still tired and wanted to sleep a bit more.
"Good morning honey. How have you slept?" He asked smiling.
"Good, and you?" He kissed my front.
"Good too." He replied.
Then George appeared too.
"Hey Lex" he just said, directly going to get a piece of bread and eat it.
We passed a good day by the way. We passed it playing chess, running in their garden, laughing, joking...
But, when night arrived, it all dissapeared. A very loud sound interrumped. We saw a black patch of smoke in the black sky of the night.
We went outside of the house worried about what had that was.
"I killed Sirius Black!" A woman appeared from the smoke singing that words and laughing. Bellatrix.
Harry started running after her. The entered in the camp, and I stoped seing them. We could listen how she was still singing that words and laughing happily and proud about what she had done last year.
She killed her own cousin!
The only Harry's family left. Now he was comoletely alone except for his friends.
Ginny started running after Harry too.
"Ginny no!" Her mother shouted.
A big fire started between the plants of the camp. I could see how Harry, Ginny and Bellatrix were running between the flames.
I decided to run after them. I didn't thought about it, I just did.
"Lexie!" I heard Hermione shout. But I needed to help them. I was not going to stay there watching how they were going to die.
I could barely breath.
"HARRY! GINNY!" I started shouting. Silence.
"GUYS!! WHERE ARE YOU?!" I started to cough because of the smoke.
I heard Bellatrix's laugh again, so I followed the place where sound came from.
I heard some spells, but I couldn't see anything because of the smoke. My eyes started crying and I continued caughing.
"Guys!" I shouted again.
"Lexie!" Ginny shouted. I tried to walk to the place where the sound came, but I couldn't. I was surrounded by fire and I could not escape.
"Lexie where are you!?" Harry shouted.
"I'm here! I am trapped!" I said while caughing.
"LEXIE!"I heard Fred. He was there, searching for me.
I suddenly saw someone. A blonda hair between the flames.
"Draco" I whispered. He smiled a bit.
"What are you doing here? Help me, please, I don't feel good." I said crying because of the smoke.
"Please!" I shouted. He didn't move at all. And then I realized that it wasn't real. It was all an illusion of my mind caused by smoke. Draco was not there. Neither anyone. I was alone, alone and surrounded by fire.
"Lex!" This time it was George. He was there too, searching for me.
"George! Fred!" I shouted. I heard some steps, but far from me. I could only hear the plants bruning in my sourrounding. I started to get overwhelmed.
"Lexie keep talking! Don't stop talking!" Fred shouted. He sound scared.
"We need you to talk! Say whatever, we need to hear something, know where your voice comes from!" George added.
"Okay, okay, what I am supposed to say!?" I asked trying not to breath smoke.
"Whatever, the first thing you think about!!!" Fred replied. I started thinking.
"Alright!!! So, do you know I am from the muggle world, don't you? Next summer holidays I will go to an aquatic park, and you will come with me, if you want of course!" I started shouting.
"We are close, keep talking!" George said.
"Mm, A, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k,l..." I thought it would last for a few seconds.
"Lexie where the hell are you?!" I heard the twins still calling me. I also heard how Harry and Ginny, together with Lupin and Tonks where fighting against Bellatrix.
"I am here" I cried. I started seeing it all black.
"Quick George! We have to turn this off!" I saw the twins in the other side of the fire.
"Hold on Lexie, almost" I started thinking why I hadn't got my wand from the house. Why?!
I saw them trying to turn off the fire, and how it was getting smaller and smaller, but there was more and more smoke.
"Hold on, we are almost there!" Fred said. He was overwhelmed. He was crying. I could notice it in his voice.
"Fred wait! You will get burned!" Geroge was saying.
"I don't mind, we have to rake her out of there! There is many smoke! She will die!" Fred shouted desesperate. I saw how he was trying to pass through the fire, which was not off yet.
"Fred no, you will get burned!" I advice him.
"Please, don't. I don't want you to get damage because of me. Please" but he seemed not to listen. I started caughing. There was so much smoke.
Little by little I was loosing my sight. And then I falled to the floor, seeing it all black and in complete silence.

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