Twenty two

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"Mum, please, I'll be alright. Don't worry" My mather was crying as I had never seen.

"No Lexie, you won't go. We will go to live to another place. For example Germany. You have always wanted to go there!" My father said. I denied while the tears were falling.

"No, dad. I have to stay. I have to fight. I am not going to let all my friends dye while I am in another Country. It is not fair." I explained.

"Lexie, please. You could die!" My mother tried again.
"Mom, I won't, I promiss you. Please, I just need you two to go to another place. At least until the war ends. I promiss I will go to search for you then. Please, do it." I told them. They had to leave the Country.

"Please, I will be alright. I am 17 years and I know what I have to do. I can take care of myself. It will just be a couple of years." I added. The didn't say anything. They were just crying in silence.

"If you do not do it voluntarily, I will have no choice but to erase all memory of me, and send you to another country." I said firmly.

It hurt for me to say that. Try to get my family away from me. But he had no other choice as long as they were here, they were in danger.

At least I gave them the option to do it without erasing their memory, but Hermione decided to do it directly.

"No please. Lex, try to understand us. We don't want to loose you. You are what we love most in the world. Our only daughter" My mother insisted.

I gulped. I had to decide now. And I wasn't going to leave my friends alone.

I took my wand. My pulse trembled. Just as Draco had trembled at the end of June last year.

I couldn't forguet it, and it had been almost three months.

"Lexie no!" My father shouted. Too late.

"Obliviate" I whispered. They suddenly looked like if they were paralyzed. It hurted.

Little by little, every single thing that could remember them to me, dissapeared. All the pictures in which I was in, my image dissapeared.

I got out of the house before they could come back again to the normality. I had also manipulated their mind to go to Germany.

There was no going back. It was done.

The street was narrow. It was a cloudy day and no one was in the street. I walked to the  Privet Street.

I could see many people were leaving. Somehow, the Ministry of Magic had made most of the muggles leave from here without telling them anything.

It was so sad to walk through the street, and see nothing but empty houses, rain crashing into asphalt, and the trees moving because of the wind.

"Lexie!" Someone called me. I turn around, and I saw Hermione.
"Hey Herms, how are you?" She looked sad. So did I.
I didn't needed to ask her to know she had just done the same that I had. She has make his parents forget her.
"Everything will be fine" she said. And then, we hug. It was sad. Both of us had done something really difficult to do, make your parents forget you.
But the worst was yet to come.

"You have finally arrived" Moody said when he saw us. They were all in Harry's aunt's house. Fred, George, Tonks, Lupin, Fleur...

"I won't let you." Harry said. He was alone. His aunts had left and now the whole house was for him.
"I won't let you risk your life for me!" He added.
"Come on, Harry, please." Hermione insisted.
"Look, Harry, don't worry, we will be fine!" I said.

Harry sighed, and after a lot of time discussing if yes or if not, we  finally decide that yes.

"Alright, here I go" Fred said, taking the bottle and drinking just a bit of the potion. We observed him, and little by little he was looking like Harry. Then George did. He was like Harry too.
"We are identical!" They said when they saw each other. We giggled. The first laugh in lots of months.
We all drank the potion. We dressed with Harry's clothes so that we really looked like him. And then, we were ready.

We all were flying through the black sky. It was night.

Harry travelled with Hagrid in his sidecar.

I was beginning to think that we would have no problem, when some dementors appeared.

We all started doing the Expecto patronum. But it was not end yet.

The deatheaters appeared too. We started foughting against them, protecting Harry. He was with Alastor much ahead of us. That was the objective, confuse them so that Harry could get to the Weasley house without any problem.

"Hedwig!" I heard Harry shouting. His owl had died. It had died trying to protect Harry.

"Are you okay?!" Molly shouted when Hermione and I finally arrived. We nodded.
Many people were left yet. The twins, Tonks, Lupin...

"Fred!" I shouted when I saw my boyfriend appear. I hugged him. I was afraid that something would happen to him. I couldn't loose him too.
"Little Stark! You are save!" He shouted kissing me. I smiled and nodded.
"So you are" I said happy.
"Where is George?" He asked to his mum.

"He has not arrived yet." She replied.
And suddenly, all the people that were left appeared. George between them.

"George!" Fred shouted. A lot of blood was coming out of his ear.

Molly and Fred took him to cure him.

"Where is Alastor?" Harry asked, noticing he was not there.
"He has not survived, Harry. He has died." Lupin replied. I saw Harry's expression. Another person had died because of him.

One of the Death Eaters had thrown an Avada at Harry, but Hedwig got in the way, and he killed her instead of Harry. She had sacrificed herself for him.

"How do you feel, George?" Fred asked, crouched next to his brother, who was lying on the couch.
"Saint-like. I'm holy" he whispered.  He had his eyes closed.
"Come again?" Fred asked. George smiled a bit.
"Saint-like. I am holey Fred, you get it?" He said pointing to his damage ear. He started laughing softly.
"The whole wide world of ear-related humor, and you go for I'm holey?" Gerge asked laughing a bit.
"That's pathetic" he finally joked.
"Reckon I'm still better looking than you." George said. We all laughed softly. It was a sad moment, but as always, the twins made us laugh in the worst moments.

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