Twenty five

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"What the hell, Lexie? How long?" He asked. I sighed.
"Fred, please" I said with a broken voice.
"How long, Lexie?" He asked again, staring at me.
"Since the day you were expelled." I explained looking down. I could feel the tears threatening to come out.
He nodded slowly, trying not to cry.
"Fred" I said puting my hand in his arm. He withdrew it.

"It is okay, Lexie. But you could have told me instead of cheating on me" he said. The tears started falling from the eyes of both of us.

"Alright" he said looking to Draco, who was there just watching the scene.
"Go with him, Lexie. If you love him, we are done. But, you may know, I will always love you" he said looking to me again.

"I hope you are happy with him. But, remember, if he breaks your heart, you know I'll be waiting here, for you" he added.
In that moment, I didn't knew what to say.
"Weasley" Draco said.
"Don't talk to me, Malfoy. I don't want to talk to you. Not now. I just want you to take care of her, alright? Protect her like if she was you. Even more. If something happens to her because of you, I promiss I won't forgive you" he just told him.

"Draco! Where are you?!" Someone suddenly called. He looked to me.

While we were there, alone again, no one said anything. It all was in complete silence.
"Fred, I love you. I have never stoped loving you. I just, I just love both of you" I  explained, without looking to him.
'It's okey, Lexie. Don't worry. I love you, but he loves you too. He needs you more than me. Also, he is also your same age. We can just be friends." He replied.
"But, remember what I have told you before. If he breals your heart, you know I'll be waiting for you. Always" he added looking to me. I looked at him with teary eyes. He was smiling sweetly at me.
I smiled him back.
"Thanks, Fred. Thanks making this easier. I am so sorry. You don't know how much I am. But, I am sure you will find another girl, another better than me" I told him. He denied.
"Maybe I find another girl, bit better than you, never" he said.

And suddenly, a great crash sounded, and a man was bringing Harry and Ron.
He looked them up with us

"What are we going to do now!?" Ron shouted.
"Ron?" Fred asked.
"Fred? Lexie? Luna?" He replied.
"What are you doing here?!" He asked us.
"What are you doing here?!" We asked at the same time.
"They had caught us. They have Hermione" Harry replied.

We heard a very high and sharp howl. A howl of pain.
"Hermione" I whispered.
"What is happening? What are they doing to her?" I asked worried.
"Hermione cast a spell on Harry's face to warp it. They asked Draco to identify him, but he didn't say anything. Bellatrix has discovered her. He is torturing her." Ron explained.

Suddenly se heard a small sound.
"Dobby!" Harry said.
"Why are you here?" He asked again, surprised yo see the elf there.
"Dobby is herr to help Harry Potter and his friends" the elf replied.

"Someone is coming, come on, hide!" I said. The elf disappeared.

"You, dwarf, come with me" Peter Pettigrew said. The elf of Gringotts got out of the cell, following the Death Eater.

Dobby appeared again.
"Alirght, trust me. Dobby is going to carry you to a safe place" he said.
The elf took Luna and Ollivander and teleported them somewhere. The rest of us hid, and when Peter Pettigrew came back and opened the cell, Dobby paralyzed him.
We ran out of the cell and went to find Hermione.

When we arrived, Bellatrix was cutting one of the cheek of the Dwarf. She was asking him to tell her where the Elder Wand was. But he didn't knew it, so she was getting mad.
She notice we were there and attacked us. She took Hermione and put a knife in her neck, and threatened to kill her.
I looked to Draco. He was there, watching everything, without knowing what to do.

Suddenly we heard a sound. Hermione looked to the ceiling just over her. Dobby was trying to make the lamp fall. They didn't move.
And just when he was about to smash them, Bellatrix let go of Hermione and they both ran to avoid dying.
We ran to where Dobby was.

"Stupid elf!!!" Bellatrix shouted.
"You could have killed me!" She added.
"Dobby didn't want to kill anyone, Dobby just wanted to seriously damage" he said, and then, he took our hands. We could see how Bellatrix took the knife, and threw it to us.
Suddenly, it was about to reach us, Dobby teleported us to a beach.

I looked around standing up from the ground.
"We are safe!" Harry said. Ron helped Hermione to stand up too.

"Harry Potter" Dobby whispered. We looked to him, and we saw it. The knife had reached him, and it was  nailed to his chest. He was going to die.

"No, Dobby!" Harry shouted, running to where the elf was.
Harry took out the knife.
"Dobby, no, hold on" he said.
"Hermione, please, you must have something in your bag! Help him!" He said looking to Hermione and with the elf in his arms.

"What a beautiful place... to be with friends... Dobby is happy for being with his friend Harry Potter" the elf whispered. He died just after saying that.

Harry wanted to bury him. We made a headstone. We searched for flowers to put them in the place where we had buried him.
In the headstone was written here rest in peace Dobby, the free elf.

Another life taken to save Harry's.

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