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We were walking in through the snow. Everything was white and beautiful. For the last months I've been trying to understand what Draco was planning, but I failed. 
Hogsmeade was very beautiful, and Howgarts with Dumbledore as director was great.

"Do you want a butterbeer?" Harry asked while we were passing in from if a pub. We nodded and entered. We drank some of them. Slughorn was there too. We talked a bit, bit then he left. Ginny was also there, with his new boyfriend. Ron got mad, but we told him to relax.
And suddenly, Draco appeared there. It shocked me to see him there. He looked at us, and move his head to me in sign of "hi". It was very strange his attitude. He was always a bit strange, but even more.

We were going back to Howgarts, when we suddenly heard a scream. It was a girl of Howgarts too.
"I told her not to touch it!" Her friend shouted very scared. The girl started floating, and after a while, she felt down to the floor, unconscious. In the floor there was a book and a necklace. We decided not to toich it and took it carefully.
We came back to Howgarts with the girl, who was send to the nursing.
"What had happened?" McGonagall asked.
"We went to the pub, and she sent to the Bath for a while, and came back with that book. She told me it was important to give it to someone." Her friend explained.
"Did she told for who it was?" The teached asked again.
"She told it was for Dumbledore."  We all shocked.
"I am sure it was Malfoy who gave her the book with the necklace!" Harry shouted mad.
"That is a very important accusation!" McGonagall replied.
"Do you have any prooves?" Snape asked. He denied.

We were sat down in the Gryffindor's common room.
"I am sure it was him, he was acting very strange, and he was in the pub too!" Harry started to argument.
"That's true. But we don't have enaugh prooves, Harry" Ron added. I was listening in silence, thinking. Everything pointed to him, but I was wondering it wasn't true what we thought. I wanted to think that Draco has done anything. But I knew he was able, that he was planning something, and it could have been that.
"I am going to bed guys, I am very tired" I lied. They nodded and continue talking about what had happened. I ran to our room.

I entered, it was empty. I opened my wardrobe, and a drawer of it. There, between the resto of my sweaters,  was Draco's. I had kept, I didn't know the reason, but I hid it because if someone find it, they would probably think another thing.  
I sighed and hid it again.

"Remember today is the Slughorn's Party." Harry told me. I nodded.
"Yeah, I know, thanks for inviting me, Harry." I replied. I looked to Ron, who was sat down looking to Lavender. I also saw how Hermione was looking to him. She was jealous and angry.
"So, who are you going with, Herms?" I asked. She looked to me with a mad expression.
"It is a surprise." She just said.
"So, why don't you invite Ron?" I said. She got even more mad.
"Oh, no, he is very occupied with Lavender. I am sure he don't have time for me" she said smiling sarcasticly. I sighed. Why love was so hard?

Everything was very beautiful, by the way. Everyone was very good dressed, and were drinking and eating in calm.
"This is very beautiful, professor Slughorn" I said wen I entered. He smiled to me.
"Thank you Mrs. Stark. Have fun, there are some snacks over there, and also some good boys going around with more food and drinks" he replied. I saw Harry and Hermione were behind the curtains talking. I decided not to inturrumpt and I continued walking through the place.
"Hey Lexie, do you want a cup?" Neville asked me. He was wearing a waiter uniform, and a tray with glasses.
"Hey! No thanks, how are you Neville?" I asked him smiling. He looked a bit nervous and shy.
"I am great, what about you? Who did you come with?" Neville said.
"Oh, Harry has invited me. And I am good too. So, you are a walter in the party." I said to talk a bit more. He nodded.
"Yes, Slughorn had asked me to be a waiter, so I accepted." He said with a shy smile.
"I see. Well, at least you are in the party, althoug it doesn't seem a very funny one, everything is boring." I told him.
"Do you know why Harry and Hermione are hidden there?" I asked looking confused to the curtains.
"I think Hermione is hiding from his partner. But I don't know to be honest" he answered.
"I have to continue working, see you Lex" he said, and then he start walking again with the tray.
"LET ME GO!" Someone was shouting.
"Professor Slughorn, I have caught this boy in the upper level. He say he is invited to your party." Filch started explaining. Draco looked between mad and worried.
"Okay, okay, I have lied. I am not invites, I was trying to get in." He said. Snape looked very mad at him.
"I will leave him in his room." Professor Snape said.
He took Draco and went outside to the  corridor.
I saw how Harry went outside too, so I followed him.
"Harry, what are you doing?" I asked. He put his finger over his mouth.
"Shut up and listen." He was next to the wall. Snape and Draco were talking. We were spying them.
"I swore to protect you! I made the Unbreakable Vow!" Snape was shouting to Draco.
"I do not need protection! He chose me. Between everyone, it was me!" He made a small pause.
"And I won't fail" he finished very sure about what he was saying.
"You are scared, Draco. Let me help you" Snape told him.
"No! He chose me! This is my moment!" And after that, I belived it. I belived what Harry was saying. Draco was trying to kill Dumbledore. He was a Deatheater, and Snape too.

The girl who loved; Draco and FredWhere stories live. Discover now