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"Dear Lexie,
I know you are probably mad at me, and I understand, I would be angry too if someone would made me what I did to you..."


I opened my eyes. It was already daylight. I was in the garden, lying in the grass. I got up little by little. Fred was next to me, sleeping. All his face was black because of the fire. A bit away were the rest of the Weasley family. My hand was taken by Fred's hand. I let go, careful not to wake him.
The Weasley's house was all burned. All.
"Lexie, you have finally waked up. Are you ok?" Hermione asked me. Harry, Hermione and Ron weren't slept.
"I am, what about you? What had happened?" I said touching my head. It hurt.
"We are fine, you were the one that ended the worst. You were sourrounding by the fire, and my brothers went to help you." Ron explained. I nodded slowly. I suddenly remembered.
"How is Fred?! Is he burnt? The last thing I saw was him geting into the fire to get me!" I said very worried.
"He is alright Lex. He just hace a few burns, bit you are worst than him. Please, look at your arm" Harry said. I did what he asked me to do. It was full of burns. It did hurt.
"What had happened to the house?" I asked.
"It is burnt. Bellatrix had burnt it." Ron explained.
"But at least we could get some things before it get all burnt." Hermione said. She had in her hand my wand. She gave it to me.
"Thank you" I just said. I didn't know what to say. I could just thank everyone for saving my life.
"Lex! You have finally woke up!" Fred said. He stood up and came to hug me. He accidentally brushed my arm. I let out a little moan of pain.
"Oh, sorry, I forgot." He said and kissed my face.
"Are you okay?" I asked revising his body looking for more injuries.
"I am, Lexie, don't worry. I has just burned a bit of my leg, but it isn't as important as your's." He explained. I started crying. I could feel all the dirt moving as my tears fell.
"Don't say that, you have risked your life for me! I told yu not to do it!" I said.
"I wasn't going to let you die." He said very sure.
"And I won't let it happen while I can help it" he added. I nodded and huged him again. It hurt, bit I didn't mind.

We were in Howgarts again. My injuries had almost healed.
"What had happened to your arm?" Draco asked realizing about my injuries.
"Nothing, don't worry" I replied. I didn't wanted to talk to him. He was trying to kill someone, and also, now that we had discovered what he was planning, I had no excuse to talk to him.

"You sure? You can trust me" he said. No, we can't. He was a deatheater.
"Completly. Bye" I said trying to avoid any conversation.
"Why are you so distant to me? I thought we were friends again." He said. I stared at his eyes. They were so beautiful. Grey. That colour made his eyes look even more intimidating.
"Well..." I started talking. What could I tell him?
"What?" He insisted. I sighed.
"We are, but, I have to go." I said, and before he could say anything else, I left.

"What?! What had happened!?" We were shouting through the passage. Ron was in the nursery.
"We don't know yet" Professor McGonagall told us. It was late un night, bit something had happened to Ron, and Professor McGonagall had decided to advice us. Harry was with him.
Ginny, Hermione and I were running to the nursery very worried about Ron.
When we arrived, Dumbledore was there too.
"What had happened?!" Ginny shouted. Slughorn was there too, and Ron was lying down in the bed.
"Harry, what had happened?" Dumbledore asked him. He stared at us and started explaining everything.
"Romilda Vane had sent me some chocolate, and Ron had eaten them. It was a love potion. Ron started saying he loved her and all that stuff, so I took him to Professor Slughorn, who gave him a potion to cancel the Love one. We drink some wine. And then this passed." He said. It was horrible.
"I was keeping the wine for someone" Slughorn confessed. Dumbledore stared at him.
"For who?" He asked.
"It was for you" Slughorn asked.
"Alright, someone is trying to kill me. This is the second thing that was destinates to me, and that almost kill two students." Dumbledore finally said.
Suddenly someone entered I the nursery.
"Oh my Ro-ro" It was Lavender. I saw how Hermione's face turned to be mad.
"What is she doing here!?" Lavender shouted when she saw her sat down next to Ron.
"I could ask you the same question" Hermione replied.
"I happen to be his girlfriend!" Lavender shouted.
"And I happen to be... his friend." She said. They both stared at each other with mad expression.
"Look, Ron is waking up" I said when I saw him moving.
"Oh Ro-ro, my honey" Lavender said. Ron opened his eyes.
"Hermione?" He whispered. Lavender face turned to be indginant.
"I am here, Ron. Don't worry" Hermione said taking his hand.
Lavender snorted and stormed off.

"Hey Lexie" someone said from behind me.
"Hello Draco" I said looking to the floor.
"What happens? You okay?" He asked.
"Yeah, everything ok." I said. I didn't wanted to talk to him.
"I have to go" I lied. He stopped me taking me from my arm. It hurted because of the burnts.
"Oh, sorry. But I know you are avoiding me. Again. Why?" He asked very serious. I sighed. It was time for me to tell him that I inew it all.
"I know it." I started. He stared at me.
"Know what, Lexie?" He asked.
"I know what you are trying to do. I know you gave that book with that necklace to that girl in the pub. And I also know you have put poison in that wine." I started saying. Hi didn't say anything. He seemed like if he didn't mind.
"Ron could have died! And all because of you! Why are you doing this?!" I starged shouting loosing my patience.
"I don't know what you are talking about." He limited to say. I frowned.
"Of course you do. I heard you talking with Snape." I said angry.
"Alright, Lex look" I didn't let him talk, he was going to try to justify it.
"No! Don't try it. There is no justification for what you are doing!" I shouted to him.
"Lexie, if I don't do it, he will kill me." He said. I denied with my head slowly.
"You have many more choises." I limited to say.
"Yeah? Like which ones, Lexie, tell me. I listen to you." He said starting getting mad too.
"If you come with me, with Dumbledore, he won't do anything to you. You will be safe." I said. He started thinking.
"Yes? And what about my family?" He replied. I didn't said anything. He nodded.
"See? I don't have a choice." He told me. And suddenly I remembered the conversation between Snape and Draco.
"You still have another choice. Let Snape do it for you." I suggested. He stared at me.
"I won't tell anyone about this, I promiss. But, please, don't kill him. Not you." I begged.
"Why are you trying to help me?" He asked. I gulped and sighed.
"Because I love you, Draco"

The girl who loved; Draco and FredWhere stories live. Discover now