Twenty seven

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We finally arrived. Howgarts didn't looked like the school I had studied the last two years. It was much more darker and the ambiente was too sad.
The adults raised a protective barrier over Howgarts. Harry went to get a horcrux, the ravenclaw diadem. Hermione and Ron went to the Chamber of Secrets to grab a fang from the basilisk and destroy another horcrux.
We were all scared, preparing for when the worst came. We all knew it wasn't going to be easy, but we should try.
I was terrified, I am not going to lie. I knew that at any moment they were going to arrive, and who knows who was going to die.

"Everything is going to be okay" George told me.
"I hope so. Please, be carefull" I said.  They nodded.
"Be carefull you too, little Stark" Fred replied, giving a little smile to me.

It hurted me. It really hurted when he said 'Little Stark'. All of our moments together came to mind. 

The Death Eaters were reaching the other side of the barrier.
The twins looked to them.

"Ready, Fred?" George said to his brother.
"Ready, George" He replied.

They both tried to hide their fear. They tried to smile, but they really showed that anguish.

The Dearh Eaters started trying to shoot down  the barrier.

"Lexie, go away, now!" Fred shouted.

I knew I needed to go, bit I didn't wanted to.

"Be carefull, please" I said again before leaving. They smiled to me and nodded. I hugged them one last time before the war started, and then I left.

I went to the inner part of Howgarts. Everyone was in a panic. The barrier was getting weaker and weaker and at any moment they could enter.
I soon ran into Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Ron and Hermione had destroyed a horcrux. They were both soaking wet, and they were also very, weird?
It was obvious that something had happened between them down there.

"Lexie!" Harry shouted when he saw me.
"Hey! Where are you going that fast?" I asked him. He stared at me.
"I know where we can find another horocrux, I am going to destroy it" he explained. I didn't doubt a second.
"I'll go with you!" I said, and then I ran after him.

We reached the Room of Requirements. 
"Alright, lets fine the Ravenclaw's diadem" he said. 
I nodded and we started searching for it.
We kept looking through all the room for a long time. But suddenly, Harry noticed a black box on a table. He walked over and took it. He opened it slowly.
"Look!" He said to me showin the inside of the box. The diadem.

I couldn't say anything. Draco, Goyle and Blaise Zabini entered in the room.
They didn't saw me. I prefered yo stay where I was, un a place where they couldn't see me.

"Look who se have here" Draco said. He didn't looked the same.
"Why didn't you tell her? to Bellatrix." Harry said. Draco looked to him confused.
"You knew it was me and you didn't say anything" Draco and the others still had their wands pointed at Harry.
And when he was about to reply, Hermione and Ron appeared.

"Expelliarmus!" Hermione shouted, throwing Draco's wand away from him.

They started fighting and I decided it was time to  to intervene. The truth is that he did not know why he had not come out from the beginning. I think he wanted to avoid Draco. It was not a good time. Or at least not the right one.

"Lexie" Draco whispered when he saw me. He was shocked, he didn't knew I was there.
And suddenly we heard Ron shouting.

"Run!" He was saying.
"RUN!!!" He repeated, and then we saw him running away from a fire.

"What the hell?!" I shouted looking to the fire.

We started running, running away from the fire. Harry tried to stop it by knocking over a tower of tables, chairs, and more. But it didn't worked.

I saw Draco, Goyle and Zabini where climbing a big mountain of things. 
The fire was about to overtake us.

"Lexie!" I heard Draco shouted.

And just when he was going to hug us, Harry turned it off long enough to escape. We grabbed some brooms and flew out of there.

"Wait, what about them?" I shouted before we had left the room.

"We have to help them!" I added. Harry nodded.
"Yes we have, come on!" He replied.
"It must be a joke!" Ron protested.
We didn't said anything else and we returned to help them.

"If we die because of them, I will kill you" he said indignantly. 

I took Draco in my broom and Harry took Zabini. Goyle had died, he had fallen into the fire.

We got out of there as quickly as possible, and even though we hit the ground hard on the way out, we were fine.

"Sorry Lex, I hace to leave. But I promiss I will be with you when all of this finishes" he explained puting his hand on my cheek. I nodded.

"Okey, promisse it" I replied.
"I promiss it. I will give you the moon when everything finishes. I swear it" he told me. I smiled a bit

"Why the moon? Why not one of all the stars?" I said. He smiled me back and giggled a bit.

"I love you" he said. I didn't think too much about it, and I got closer to him, yo kiss him.
"I love you too" and then, he left.

The girl who loved; Draco and FredWhere stories live. Discover now