chapter sixteen

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Jeoonguk opens his eyes to the ceiling — cracked and peeling a little around the edges  in a way an expensive apartment really shouldn't. Jeongguk blinks, pretending he'd just awoken from a nice  nap was a bit of a stretch. It was more of a lay-down-close-eyes affair, not really any sleeping involved. But at least Jeongguk fell a little better, a tiny bit more like his brain wasn't being bashed around by a baseball bat inside his skull. At least his anxiety had been tampered, and it was  the blisssful beginning of when what had just happened hadn't yet dawned on him. He could feel the weight off his shoulders like  he'd removed ten tonnes of stones from his feet, but along with that he could feel the heavy lead-like guilt replace it. Or dread, maybe.

Jeoonguk didn't think they could reassure him enough that they were  fine with him being a  succubus, because he just wouldn't believe it anyway.

Jeongguk doesn't get to finish the thought  before he can hear the telltale slow creak of his door opening, and he's  turning his head in time to see taehyung and Jimin pop their heads in through the crack.


Jeongguk tastes the sweet lychee before the words even leave taehyungs mouth, Jeongguk could always do that when the other person whispered. He never knew why. It somehow makes the words taste even better though, like lychees dipped in dark chocolate. Jeongguk had never really eaten that combination before, but the way taehyungs words dripped with it, Jeongguk imagined it to the the best taste in the world.

"Hey." Jeongguk whispers back, not sure why he's whispering but willing to play along. Normal voices seemed too loud, anyway.

"Can we come in?" Jimin asks, in much the same hushed tone. Jeongguk tastes strawberries and white chocolate  on his tongue before Jimin can even finish the sentence. The taste of Jimins words are as sweet as  always, and mixed with taehyungs — it's addicting. The way their words melt so well together,  create such a wonderful combination, how they play off each other so well. Jeongguk wouldn't ever get enough.

Jeongguk sits up now, leaning himself backwards against  his headboard and nodding. "Sure."

They never ask to come into my room. They must be  uncomfortable. Don't make them uncomfortable, don't make them uncomfortable, don't make th—

"Are you okay, gguk?"

Jeoonguk looks up from staring at his sheets, the words registering at the same time the caramel taste does.  How long has he been in his room? It was still light outside but it was  definitely darkening. The talking he'd  heard  before in the lounge room had long stopped — so he must have been in the room for a while for anyone to bother to go look for him. Especially after telling him he needed rest in the first place. Jeongguk swallows.

"I'm okay. I'm uh, good. How are you?"

This is awkward, Jeongguk realises, as the words leave his mouth is a rushed jumble. The way they've sat themselves at the foot of his bed, their hands on their knees, not at all the way they'd acted before. Jeongguk can't stand it. The urge to break the ice is too powerful to ignore.

"Are you here to see my tail?"

Taehyung snorts and  Jimin giggles behind his hand before clearing his throat and shaking his head. "No, you've just been in here for a while and we were worried, is'all, you don't normally stay in your room for so long,"

"But if you wanna to show us your tail I'm all for it,"

Jeongguk smiles at taehyung, chuckling dryly at taehyungs slightly hopeful expression, before he looks back down and starts to pick at a loose thread in his bedding so his hands will have something to do. The awkwardness creeps back in like a plague.

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