chapter two

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Maybe Jeongguk was being dramatic. He was prone to being dramatic, so it wasn't a too big a stretch, really. Wouldn't surprise him. Except that he doesn't know for certain because normally he'd ask one of his friends if he were — and they'd tell him that yes in fact he was being a little bit melodramatic and he would then, inevitably, have to tone himself down. But he couldn't ask them this time, because he couldn't explain that he'd seen a person he'd once known from his hometown (if you could call hell a hometown) on the television, and they were in fact and demon and leading a demons rights riot. Especially when he and this said demon (which is already suspicious in the first place because why Jeongguk do you know a demon anyway?, is what they'd ask) aren't exactly on the best of terms.

It wasn't Jeongguks fault, though. That particular succubus just happened to be a raging, unquenchable, diarrhoea filled asshole.

Who was meant to be in hell, because he was an aforementioned asshole that could never pass the test that would allow him to come upstairs because he was too aggressive. So why was he here now? Judging by the fact he was leading a very violent riot it didn't seem he'd left his aggressive ways behind — so why was he allowed to come up at all?

Just when Jeongguk thought he'd left all those assholes behind.

"Jeongguk, what's gotten into you today?" Hoseok says irritably, wasabi again bursts against Jeongguks tastebuds. He'd had enough of wasabi today and it was only eleven. "Seriously man you keep tripping up,"

"Yeah, sorry." Jeongguk replies, feeling guilty as Hoseok has to restart the music again for the fourth time because of him. Unusual, because he was never usually the one to mess up.

Jin wipes his forehead with the bottom of his shirt, Jeongguk reverts his eyes away from the soft skin exposed to look at the ceiling, and jin must take that as him trying to hold in tears because there's suddenly a gentle hand on his shoulder. "You okay gguk? Want a break?"

They'd only just started. They'd only been dancing for three hours. Of course he didn't, but he couldn't stop his mind from whirling and it was affecting his dancing more than he cared to admit.

Jimin joins jin by Jeongguks side.

"You feeling sick jeonggukie?" He asks with concern, strawberries fill Jeongguks mouth and he swallows around them.

"No, my heads just a little foggy, is'all. I can keep going, don't worry."

"We're not worried about you not being able to continue, we're worried you're gonna overwork yourself before you've even begun," Jimin says, his hand traveling to the back of Jeongguks nape to massage at it. Jeongguk holds in his groan. Not good.

He wants to tell Jimin to stop but at the same time he wants to tell him to keep going.

"It's fine, I just need to wake up a little more. Lets go again." Jeongguk says in what he hopes is reassurance, they look back at him with suspicion clouding their eyes, but relent, stepping away.

No one mentions that they've been at the practice room now for three hours and Jeongguk should have woken up after one.

Jeongguk feels like the pressure in the air releases as Hoseok claps his hands to get their attention and starts up the song again.

He falls back into position for black swan, bending his back and trying his best to mimic a puppet left hanging with its strings slack. It's easy, normally, how his muscle memory takes over. They've been practicing this dance for months now, Jeongguk should have it down even if he were asked to dance with his eyes closed and ears plugged. Dancing was why he'd wanted to come to the surface in the first place. Why he'd wanted to be a dancer and then inevitably why he'd become an idol. He loved to sing, too, but dancing meant something more to him than singing did. Maybe because it had been his only solstice when he was down below, his only escape from living in literal hell. He could get lost in it.

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