chapter twenty-seven

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Jeongguk wants to die.

He thinks this as he's pressing his blazing red  face into his hands after waking up after a five hour nap and having the horrors of that morning replayed back to him in a sick movie reel in his head. It kept replaying over and over  until Jeongguk had convinced  himself that it didn't actually happen and had left his room only to find his friends all seated either in the living room or at the dining table — none of them dressed for rehearsal and all blushing furiously when their eyes had met — and yeah, okay, maybe it did actually happen. Then Jeongguk had been lured to the chair at the head of the table (the fucking chair all this had happened in) for a talk.

Now here they were. Sitting in awkward silence at the dining room table that Jeongguk is sure none of them are ever going to see the same again.

Only a few hours prior he'd been totally off his head, writhing around on the glass they normally ate breakfast and dinner and sometimes lunch at, with taehyung licking over  his clothed dick and Jimin sucking on his neck and jins fingers shoved down his throat — and Jeongguk wants to kill himself.

"I'm gonna kill myself." He says out loud, muttered into his hands that he so far has blatantly refused to remove from his face in fear of making eye contact with any one of them. "I'm gonna throw myself off the balcony and I'm gonna kill myself."

"That's a little dramatic, gguk," Jin supplies, but his own voice doesn't sound very confident either.

Jeongguk can't believe this is happening. He remembered it all, not a piece of the remarkably, incredibly, life-shatteringly embarrassing experience missing from his mind — and Jeongguk wished it was. But it was not that he had never imagined that kind of scenario happening before, and if it were any other context jeongguk would have found it hot (still does kind of find it hot and that's part of the issue, because now he can't look any of them in the eye without blushing and averting his gaze) but it was the fact that he'd been how he was, so wholly gone, delirious, out of his mind— that was the embarrassing bit.

He'd sucked on his hyungs fingers, deep throated his hyungs fingers, right in front of all of them.

Somehow that was the worse part.

Jeongguk wants to die.

"Gguk, look, these things happen and—"

"No they don't!" Jeongguk cuts yoongi off to yell.

"Well okay maybe not this exact situation, but it happened and we can't change that, what's done is done and—"

"I'm not gonna just forget about it." Tae cuts yoongi off with a shrug, Jeongguk peaks through his fingers to see the other carelessly press back into his chair.

"I'm not saying we should forget about it I'm saying that what's done is done so there's no point dwelling,"

"I'm gonna dwell. I'm gonna dwell all~ night long—"

Jeongguk smacks his head into the tabletop. Maybe if he does it hard enough he'll pass out. Maybe he'll die—

"I'm not telling you not to dwell I'm telling Jeongguk not to, dumbass!" Yoongi smacks taehyung upside the head. "You know how he is!"

Jeongguk repeatedly bangs his forehead back into the glass. "I can't believe I did that, I can't believe I did that—"


"Okay!" Namjoon suddenly yells. Jeongguk stills, his face pressing flat into the tabletop. Yoongi and taehyung stop bickering. "Gguk, look up,"

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