chapter twenty-five

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Jeongguk places down the now empty container that had been his leftovers on the coffee table, leaning back into the couch that taehyung and him were now seated. Taehyung had made a hot chocolate in the time it had taken Jeongguk to reheat his food, and the other was now idly sipping it beside him. They had discontinued the more serious cheongsin discussion a while ago, much to Jeongguks relief, and after having a brief vape on the balcony were now watching the television which was quietly set on some drama neither of them were really paying much attention to.

Jeongguk too caught up on the slight heat that was radiating from taehyungs knee that was pressed up against his thigh, how neither of them wanted to sleep but didn't know what else to do either, considering namjoons earlier thinly veiled threat to stay inside. Jeongguk didn't want to test his luck and go outside for a walk lest he end up in the same situation as before, or get caught by Namjoon doing what he'd been expressly told not to — which was maybe a worse situation to be in, to be honest. But whatever.

"You ever punched anyone before today?"

Jeongguk blinks, the question coming a little unexpectedly, but then again this was taehyung, so was it really unexpected? Jeongguk shrugs. "Not really. I mean, playfully but not like, seriously or anything, yknow?"

Taehyung hums in acknowledgment, placing down his mug on the coffee table and turning towards Jeongguk. "I'm just asking cause I've never done it, punched anyone, I mean,"

"I sort of didn't mean to, it just happened. One minute I was dodging, the next I punched him — and then I just took off," Jeongguk laughs a little, shrugging again.

Taehyung stares at him and Jeongguk turns his head to meet the gaze, taehyungs eyes swirling with something that wasn't unfamiliar, but somehow still indistinguishable anyway. Taehyung bites down on his bottom lip and it really takes everything in Jeongguk not to stare, somehow managing to keep his eyes level with the other. Then taehyung takes a breath in, and smiles. "I'm proud of you, gguk,"

That hadn't been what Jeongguk had expected the other to say, and it must show on his face because taehyung laughs, shoving Jeongguks shoulder.

"I mean it dude, I'm proud of you. For sticking up for yourself. For using those muscles," taehyung rubs a hand over Jeongguks bicep, squeezing the muscle under his big palm. Jeongguks breath hitches in his throat. "Knew they weren't just for show,"

Jeongguk opens his mouth to reply, but can't seem to get the words out. Taehyungs suddenly serious looking eyes doing something to his frantically fluttering little heart. The older pulls away, and it feels like he takes Jeongguks breath with him. "They're mostly for show,"

Taehyung laughs — Jeongguk watches. Mesmerising, taehyung was. Everything he did. Big boxy grin on full display as he turns back to Jeongguk, dirty blonde hair falling across his brow and nape of his neck in a messy, wavy, old perm kind of way. Getting caught in his long eyelashes, flicked away by long fingers, tan skin glowing luminescent with the televisions blue light and the orange street lights streaming in through the window. Half of his face beautifully shadowed, and half gorgeously bright — a chiaroscuro of lights and darks beautifully rendered. His lean neck, his white cotton T-shirt lopsided and almost hanging leisurely off one shoulder, sharp, shadowed collarbone exposed. The dip near where his shoulder and neck meet so hollowed Jeongguk wants to lick across it. Feel it under his tongue. Have those long fingers scratching across his scalp.

"I'm a little mad though," taehyung suddenly murmurs, eyes catching across Jeongguks neck, traveling up to his eyes — and Jeongguk can't be imagining the dip in the others inflection. Not this time.

"Why?" Jeongguk breaths out, voice a lot lower than he'd intended but the way taehyung leans forward doing nothing but make it worse. His voice feels thick in his throat.

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